Male, 24, 6'0 -155 lbs- to -143 lbs-I grew up on junk food, sugary drinks, soda, and processed food. I ate a lot of meat and eggs too, but not often. Despite that way of eating I have always been a skinny, lean person who I would consider slightly underweight for most of my life. I blame this on my athleticism.Now, I am about 2 weeks into ZeroCarb (only beef, occasional liver, and water). But, note that for the past year leading up to ZeroCarb, I have been on a carnivore diet (meat, raw dairy, organ meat, 6 eggs/day) which I have stuck to religiously. I felt pretty damn good eating that way and maintained weight but still had some slight issues with fatigue and gas. The biggest change in my recent switch from carnivore to ZeroCarb has simply been the removal of dairy and eggs. I used to consume up to 100 carbohydrates a day in the form of raw dairy (8 cups raw milk/day) with little to no issues. Then I learned more about ketosis, and figured with all the dairy I have been drinking ...