[Question] Are Omega-6 fats really that bad from whole foods sources like sunflower seeds? I need the vitamin E.

I’ve been eating one serving (28 grams) of these sunflower seeds (https://www.goraw.com/sprouted-seeds/sunflower-seeds.html) a day since October because I was having a hard time getting enough vitamin E. I’ve noticed my skin is smoother and looking nicer than ever. However, I know the Paleo crowd tends to frown on sunflower seeds because of the high amount of Omega-6 fats in the seeds. However, Mark Sisson in this article (https://chriskresser.com/an-update-on-omega-6-pufas/) talks about the quality of Omega-6 is important to look at. As long as you get enough Omega-3 fats (I eat a lot of sardines) and don’t get Omega-6 from toxic vegetables oils, then you should be fine. However, I want to know if anyone disagrees and has better knowledge on this subject.

submitted by /u/trembleathedoor
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from paleo diet https://ift.tt/2EoWAkr


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