Binge eating immediately resolved—anyone else?

I don’t really understand why my desire for carbage completely evaporated after a day on meat salt water and black coffee. For several years I had been doing LCHF, varying the fat higher or lower to try to lose weight which almost never happened as I would every 4-5 days or so go total ham on my kids’ snacks, bread, trash I’d buy like a total junkie. I’m a lifelong carb addict who’s gone up and down the scale many times, mostly up for this reason. And two days into this experiment I baked carrot muffins for after school snacks with total calm and neutrality. Attended a bagel brunch—not even a twinge of desire. Faced a chocolat mousse birthday cake—and it appeared to me like an inanimate object that I’d no more want to eat than a book or a shoe.This total freakin’ equanimity NEVER HAPPENED to me even keeping carbs down below 20, whether nor not calories were low or high (and in this experiment just eating totally to hunger I’ve probably been at a slight deficit too so jt’s not that I’m just slamming more kcals). What the heck explains this? Can cutting out dairy and broccoli, etc. really be the reason?Even if you say the magic beef fairy, mind you, I don’t really care as I’m nearly shedding tears of gratitude for being freed from this constant gnawing compulsion. What does the group wisdom say?

from Zero Carb Zebras


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