
Showing posts from December, 2018

Happy New Year!! #2019 #newyear #celebrate #successfulyear...

Happy New Year!! #2019 #newyear #celebrate #successfulyear #roadtosuccess #goals #aspirations #life #hopes #dreams #makeithappen from Healing Fit Foods and Lifestyle via IFTTT

Carnivore Diet Vlog - Day Of Eating 0

I’m preparing for my upcoming 30 Day Carnivore Diet Challenge, and in this video I highlight some of the meals I am consuming in order to get closer to a ketogenic state, to make the first days easier. I also visit a Whole Foods store to pick up some items to use in this journey. Lastly, I do a quick taste-test of two of those items. from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT

Riced Cauliflower Vegetable “Fried Rice”. Part of my new...

Riced Cauliflower Vegetable “Fried Rice”. Part of my new Plant-Based Paleo book. More recipes to come! #vegan #paleo #glutenfree #lowcarb #lowsugar #plantbased #freidrice #asiancuisine #veggies #eatyourvegetables from Healing Fit Foods and Lifestyle via IFTTT

protein intake amount

i decided to run a little zerocarb experiment: coming from 3 years of pretty sctrict keto (about 1 cheat meal a year), i found no transition-related issues so far. what slightly worries me is the apparent upswing in mTOR triggering– when I add up my food intake into an app at the end of the day of eating intuitively (i just input the data restrospectivelly off the top of my head), i seem to land on, more or less, my previously established maintenance calories (around 2800kcal, I work out about 1.5 hrs each day). but the protein amount rises to a whopping 280g. while i have no fat phobia, i do find the p amount worrying. how much are you ending up consuming? thank you. from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT

Brain Fog

So I’m thinking to try the carnivore diet to maybe fix some serious digestive issues. I’m curious about the severity of brain fog that any of you may or may not experienced during adaption. My job requires intense focus so I can’t really afford for this side effect. Thanks from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT

Keto in the uk, under 3.33pounds/day

So i want to try a month without fiber to see what happens.This as opposed to 40g fiber everyday from vegetables + seeds + bamboo fiber supplement.At the same time i just moved to the uk and made a list of cheap foods :cooking bacon tesco 1.14 / kgPork (87%), Water, Salt, Preservatives (Sodium Nitrite, Potassium Nitrate), Antioxidant (Sodium Ascorbate).191 calories / 100g raw. At least 1500 calories/kg cooked - ~0.8pounds / 1000 caloriesDo you think 500 calories of this daily is too much ? I don’t like that is has so many ingredients.Second thing : i found a deal on cheese and i can get it for2.5pounds/kg ( ~0.6pounds / 1000 calories )Could i eat cheese instead of meat as a large part of the diet ? ( 1500 calories daily ) ? This would be almost 4000mg calcium every day. from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT

How to gain weight on zerocarb starting out?

I have a high metabolism and am naturally skinny/very low body fat, and am currently underweight as a result of autoimmune issues preventing me from exercising. The only way I gain weight is lean body mass when I’m lifting weights regularly. I’m want to start zerocarb to help autoimmune issues, but I’m worried that I’ll lose what little bodyfat I have, since most people seem to report weight loss in the first month. How can I avoid this? from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT

Gluconeogenesis Question

Is it true that proteins are broken down by the body to be used as carbohydrates (Gluconeogenesis )? How are these carbs different from those that our body gathers from an apple for example? How would someone stop this process from happening? from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT

4 months in, started to lose hair?

when I first started out 4 months ago, I actually stopped losing hair, i could tell my hair was getting thicker..for the past couple of weeks i have noticed i’m losing A LOT of hair, i can even tell my hairline is receding, hair genetics on both sides of my family aren’t great, but there are no completely baldy uncles..i haven’t had liver in like 3 weeks, but when i do i eat about one pound over 2/3 days..I also started eating salmon almost every day a couple of weeks ago and then I completely stopped about 1 week I’m mostly eating around 2-2.5 pounds of 73/27 halal ground beef from restaurant depot, quite like the quality actually.Also i just finished 2 courses of antibiotics: keflex and bactrim..been drinking about ¼ gallons of bulgarian yogurt a day..thoughts please?is it possible that consistency even in zc is very important for the body as it adapts to a specific food? from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT

Eating very well done meat all the time? Nutrient loss? Other concerns?

I prefer very rare beef, but my budget has me currently on chuck, which I only seem to enjoy after simmering (with a little free suet) for a few hours until it’s pull-apart tender. I leave the liquids in (very reduced) and consume them.Any concerns with eating meat cooked this much for every meal? Any nutrient loss, or any reason it might be inflammatory? from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT

A confession and an appeal for advice

Hi everyone, I’m a newbie carnivore here and will outline my voyage here before getting into the details.I am suffering from CTCL, it’s a skin condition in the cancer spectrum that I’ve had for 15+ years but has lately flared up and for the first time in my life is looking real bad. It has taken over my entire right arm up to my elbow whereas it was limited to my hip region up to now.I stumbled across Mikaela Peterson’s interview with Joe Rogan and decided to try out an all beef diet for three months in order to see if there is a metabolic cause of my condition. I consulted with my endocrinologist and she got onboard relatively quickly (not sure if I just effectively pursued her or if she doesn’t see the harm but anyway….). I am now on week three of beef, salt, water and red wine, exclusively. I plan on cutting out the red wine after new year’s as well.Problem is my appetite. It’s simply insatiable. I’ve upped my fat intake, started making bone broth and eating soups with thinly sliced...

Your water intake/output?

How much water do you drink each day? (approximate / average)What kind of water do you drink? Do you stick with specific types (bottled, reverse osmosis, tap, mineral, fizzy, etc.), or do you just drink whatever water is handy?Do you drink anything besides water?What are your drinking habits? Do you sip regularly, or are you a guzzler? Do you try to drink a set amount each day, or just drink to thirst? Do you drink near meals, or leave a buffer between meat and liquids?What’s your pee like?What’s your poop like?I’ve long suspected how I drink and how much I drink (any liquid, even just water) has has an effect on my IBS. Extra sensitive gastrocolic reflex, maybe? Anyway, on ZC I seem to be especially sensitive to fluid intake, so I’m curious to see what others’ experiences are to determine if that’s normal on this WOE, or if it’s just me. All of your responses are greatly appreciated! from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT

Inflammation, But Not Telomere Length, Predicts Successful Ageing at Extreme Old Age: A Longitudinal Study of Semi-supercentenarians from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT

Tomorrow is the first page of a 365-page book 📚Write a good one!...

Tomorrow is the first page of a 365-page book 📚Write a good one! . . #blessed #healthy #newyearseve #weekend #winter #lchf #coffee #goals #inspiration #motivation #fitlife #paleo #eatclean #workout #fit #health #success #beautiful #hike #travel #life #fitness #yoga #strong #keto #healthychoices #colorado from Eat Clean Cook Clean w/Krista via IFTTT

[Blogspam] Starting a new reddit community for Deals on Organic Products (r/OrganicDeals)

Hey Everyone, After living the organic/paleo lifestyle for over 2 years now, I’m starting to notice one obvious obstacle… PRICES!!! Holy cow, I never thought I’d be spending $500 - 700 a month on organic groceries/household items. Needless to say, I think we ALL need to save a little money and share/compare/discuss deals, discounts, or just general financial tips/tricks when it comes to living the organic/paleo lifestyle! If you are interested, feel free to go check out my sub r/organicdeals . Regards, Aron submitted by /u/reebokxp1 [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Primal Health Chef: Using Food For Health

Primal Health Chef: Using Food For Health from Paleo Diet Guide via IFTTT

Meats high in vitamin C?

I’m going to start eating a diet consisting of mostly steak and eggs, and I’m wondering if there was a different meat that I could include sometimes that will provide adequate vitamin C? from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT

Cause of weird dreams?

Just curious if anyone has noticed a correlation between this diet and their dreams. Specifically about eating junk. I’ve woken up twice in the last week from dreams about eating donuts and crackers that I really used to love lol. Has anyone else experienced this and figured out a cause? Is this possibly from not eating enough fat: not likely if you ask me as yesterday and the day before I really hammered down on some Christmas prime Rib, with special emphasis on the rib sections. Maybe it’s just the holiday seasons and seeing plates of cookies laying around triggers the dreams, not sure. Lots of info on the sub about vivid dreams, none really about dreams about carb “cravings”. I hesitate to call it cravings because I don’t want to eat these things anymore but I really don’t know what else to call it. from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT

Good Morning 🥰 Happy New Year’s Eve ♥️☕️🎉💋 . . #blessed...

Good Morning 🥰 Happy New Year’s Eve ♥️☕️🎉💋 . . #blessed #healthy #newyearseve #weekend #winter #lchf #coffee #goals #inspiration #motivation #fitlife #paleo #eatclean #workout #fit #health #success #beautiful #hike #travel #life #fitness #yoga #strong #keto #healthychoices #colorado from Eat Clean Cook Clean w/Krista via IFTTT

5 days in, getting to a point where I'm not wanting to eat meat. What can I do?

I have been changing up the meat I eat so I don’t get bored, but i think it is starting to happen anyway. I REALLY don’t want to get back into eating carbs again. I like this diet. I don’t even CRAVE carbs or sugar anymore and to me it’s a step up.Also, I’ve lost 6 ibs in these 5 days already which is also great. How the hell do I stop this feeling of boredom? I’m used to eating ketchup with some meat before carnivore(yeah I know, nasty), so could that be it? It’s not carnivore but at the same time I dont wanna get bored because the benefits are outweighing my boredom.Or could I go some junk food joint and just order meat and cheese by themself like Whataburger or Five Guys? from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT

Repost! This is me and a colleague 🤣 yes I’ll go to gym, Hulk...

Repost! This is me and a colleague 🤣 yes I’ll go to gym, Hulk 🙄😒💪 #thor #hulk #marvel #gymmemes #imitateslife #colleagues #brotalk #challengeaccepted #mustdo #girlswholift #workout from Healing Fit Foods and Lifestyle via IFTTT

Rinds on the outside of meat, are they safe?

Not sure what the out layer of skin on meat is called, when they slice off into lunch meat it’s the circle around the slice. I normally eat the whole slice of turkey/ham/roast beef and forgot about the brown ring. Is it safe to eat? What is it made of? from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT

Goodnight 😴💤🌙 ✨ . . #sunday #goodnight #weekend #blessed...

Goodnight 😴💤🌙 ✨ . . #sunday #goodnight #weekend #blessed #healthy #winter #lchf #coffee #goals #inspiration #motivation #fitlife #paleo #eatclean #workout #fit #health #success #beautiful #hike #travel #life #fitness #yoga #strong #keto #healthychoices #colorado from Eat Clean Cook Clean w/Krista via IFTTT

The Science Of Curing Meats Safely

A lot of good info and and a simple calculator for the amount of Prague Powder #1 and time need to wet cure meat of different weights and dimensions here found it before and then lost it before just finding it again :) from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT

Anyone use probiotics?

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Carnivore Haul 2 for January 2019 and my Carnivore Diet game plan

My wife and I went to Joe V’s and picked up a few more items for the first half of January. Keep in mind a lot of the food we buy are inexpensive items because we are feeding an entire family. I’m going to work on improving food quality as I go through this Carnivore Diet 30 Day Challenge.I’m not as concerned (yet) with nutrition. I’m already getting better nutrition with this food selection than I’ve been getting on the Standard American Diet I’ve been on in the past. But I do want to do even better. I will also focus on more fats and salts on this diet, and plenty of hydration.I’m trying to start weaning myself off carbohydrates, starting today, so I can already start in a ketogenic, fat-adapted state. Or at least be closer to that by the time January 1 rolls around, in 2 days. I have plenty of meat options for the next 2 weeks.I’m going to play it by ear to see what I eat and don’t eat in that time, and on my mid-month paycheck I’ll be back in the stores for another run. I’m going t...

[Recipe] Beef and kale shepherd's pie with sweet potato

submitted by /u/geekbread [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Has anyone's teeth whitened on zerocarb? +bonus weight question

i was a extreme vegan and a smoker before this which really wrecked the enamel on my teeth, my teeth are pretty much dark yellow, darker towards the gums, is there any chance they will turn a bit whiter overtime on zerocarb??bonus: i’ve been zerocarb for 5months now, still overweight (not much but i haven’t really lost much weight either), i’m still recovering from serious debilitating AI disease however, but do people on zerocarb generally always get to their ideal weight after 1+ years? from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT

Recommending Zerocarb

Disclaimer: Many of you are fully aware of what this post contains but as this community grows I believe it is important to carve out the tenets clearly and often.Preamble: Many people have heard about this WOE from Jordan B Peterson and/or his daughter.JBP has been vilified by many for his outlook, but moreover has been mocked for adopting carnivore, regardless of the fact that he has been very humble in presenting this WOE to others.My points are two:1) Diet related science is very difficult. Not everyone who tries this WOE has magical success with their health; The SCIENCE is, so far as I can tell, still out on this diet and who its suitable for. N=1 may be personally unignorable, but we should be careful not to extrapolate too far. Introducing this WOE to others, if at all, must be done carefully.2) Regardless of our personal beliefs of how well this diet works, it isn’t very everyone. The science on gut health is still emerging, tho some of it is quite clear. We know carbs can be ...

[Food Pic] Some winter Paleo grilling. Saffron Chicken, Lemon Garlic Sirloin, Onions and Tomatoes

submitted by /u/gravity-always-wins [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

[question] Thoughts on gluten free oats/muesli?

I need a quick breakfast in the mornings - and I’m wondering what the school of thought is on eating gluten free oats in muesli? submitted by /u/seinfeldyadayada [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Why do we like sugar?

If ZC is the way we were meant to eat, why then do we have such a sweet tooth? from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT


Greetings all. New to reddit and pleased to have a place to go that isn’t FaceBook….evil.​I have been doing zero carb for 10 months and enjoyed some very positive results which will keep me carnivore from here on out. Unfortunately I am gaining body fat.​At 10 full months of zerocarb it isn’t like I am complaining after only a two week or even two month effort! I think I am realistic but wonder, I am the only one? I am not a fan of the “special snowflake” concept. I figure if I am on the right eating method then all aspects of health should follow. If there is more body fat than my body needs…..why is it still there? You feel me?​Like so many I was pumped to see all the body composition benefits others have experienced and couldn’t wait to experience it too. While it seemed like “everyone else” attained their birth weight and lost all cravings in about 2 months I have steadily gained body fat. WTF, really? Gaining inches in the usual hips and thighs but alarmingly now in my midsection!...

Personal Responsibility in light of Vegan Propaganda around the New Year

While scrolling my social media this morning a obviously vegan article was shared saying that a reduction in meat consumption is the best decision to aid the planet in 2019, and I had to kindly and politely inform them of the error within this claim. Below is my response. I share this because the media is clearly aligned with the plant based community unfortunately and more people need to step up to the plate and defend our right to eat meat, because vegan lobbying is real and it could seriously effect our personal lifestyle in the future.Link to article: response: The best thing you can do for the planet is police your own water use because it is the most scarce resource on the planet. Industrial meat production is bad and people should source their meat responsibly from local farmers, but to think that vegans have steered clear of environmental destruction is a farce.When studying hydrology during my time at WVU it wa...

Hormones, Birth control while ZC

I am about to start zero carb and was wondering, if some gals here could share their advice/experience, any other advice is of course much appreachiated: I’m 27, on various BC for the past 13 years and looking to get to a healthy eating lifestyle. So far I’ve read a couple of reports stating that the BC is more or less useless on its own due to the ketosis. Would it make sense to quit the pill for, say 2 or 3 months, and rely on condoms or does the BC still do its job and no further assistance is required? Thank you for every little advice from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT

Another newbee question

I suppose i could research myself but i admit i enjoy this discussion format so please tolerate if my questions are annoying, lol.Many write, “…if youre doing dairy."Pros and cons if this decision. And are ALL dairy acceptable or just certain? We have zero dairy intolerances. from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT

GF Pancakes 🥞 Sunday Breakfast . . #blessed #healthy #sunday...

GF Pancakes 🥞 Sunday Breakfast . . #blessed #healthy #sunday #breakfast #weekend #winter #lchf #coffee #goals #inspiration #motivation #fitlife #paleo #eatclean #workout #fit #health #success #beautiful #hike #travel #life #fitness #yoga #strong #keto #healthychoices #colorado from Eat Clean Cook Clean w/Krista via IFTTT

Help! To cure constipation on a carnivore diet

Hello, I am 28, fit and athletic, 5.7 at 128 lbs, and workout 4-5 days a week.But I suffer from chronic constipation. I have been doing low carb high-fat diet for 6 months and now on the zero carb carnivore diet for past 6 days.This is to cure my chronic constipation– for me no emptying of bowels without meds: ayurvedic meds (indian ancient medicines) and high fibre supplement meds.On zero carb carnivore diet, I am currently still facing irregularity, no real urge to defecate. Also, I have stopped all meds.On this diet how many days I can except for my bowel movement to become normal and regular?I would be very grateful for answers/ guidance.P.S Apart from constipation things are well, my skin is getting better each day and I feel satiated and well. from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT

Which cooking oils do you use? Why?

I usually use either butter or goose fat, depending on what I am cooking, but I don’t know any others. What are your preferences and why? from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT

Illusion of normal state of being

So I started my carnivore experiment about 6 weeks ago and felt sluggish for about two weeks. Got nausea from all the fat and had increased craving for salt. After the early adaptation issues I saw increase in my energy levels, some what less depression and on few days I felt extremely happy for no particular reason, regular headaches were gone, chronic upper back pain is almost gone, bloating gone, gas gone, diarrhea gone, constipation gone.On holidays I visited on my relatives a lot and due to the social pressure from my wife and others I ended up eating carbs. Although I tried to limit them to the amount I felt wouldn’t cause social issues. I started to feel more tired over the next few days and got bloated again. Today I woke up with a severe headache maybe due eating some sugar yesterday. I also feel really depressed. Then I realized that this is how I used to feel in general aka my normal state of well being on “normal healthy balanced diet”. Honestly this was quite shocking disc...

Do you have diarrhea?

I’m on day 14 right now. 30 minutes till day 15, so that means week two is pretty much over. Diarrhea is gross, so, sorry, but is diarrhea common around this stage? I fucking hate having diarrhea. It’s so damn disgusting. Hate to sound like a child, but, fuck.Am I doing something wrong? from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT

How do you source blood and organs?

No text found from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT

Sweet Dreams All 💤🛌😴 . . #blessed #saturday #weekend #goodnight...

Sweet Dreams All 💤🛌😴 . . #blessed #saturday #weekend #goodnight #winter #lchf #coffee #goals #inspiration #motivation #fitlife #paleo #eatclean #workout #fit #health #beautiful #hike #travel #life #fitness #yoga #strong #keto #healthychoices #colorado #inspired #healthy from Eat Clean Cook Clean w/Krista via IFTTT

German delicacies for a carnivore ?

I live in a meat-poor region of the world (Asia) and am heading to a meat-rich one (Germany) for a week. I am SO excited to taste the difference!My question is; is there anything I should be sure to not miss? I plan on just heading to a supermarket and winging it. I am able to handle some cured meats but I have no idea where to start with sausageI hope it’s the beef buffet I’m dreaming of from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT

Carnivore Grocery Haul for January 2019

My wife and I stocked up on food for the first half of January 2019, and I plan on using what I show here on camera for my source of fuel and nutrition within a Carnivore Diet. I plan on adding more nutritious elements like liver and other organ meats, but I want to use up what I currently have so nothing goes to waste. My journey starts January 1, 2019! from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT

Anyone had food intolerances go away?

Sort of specific, but I am very certain butter causes me bad acne when I am on a SAD. Now that I am carnivore it hasn’t been giving me problems.Has anyone noticed anything like this? from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT

Adaptation pimples

Hey, I started this diet 3 days ago, and I noticed that fair amount pimples appeared on my face. I know it’s probably a bit too early to even ask this, but could this be diet related? Like does it fall under the “worse before it gets better” rule? Days 1 and 2 I ate only beef. Today I had some chicken wings with salt and a little bit of garlic.Sorry if this is a stupid question​ from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT

[Question] Can I cook eggs in Bacon Grease?

Just wanted to know because I cook bacon and eggs together on a griddle. submitted by /u/ILikePUBG [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Any high-calorie foods/recipes?

I started this diet about a month and a half ago an only recently have I started counting calories. Unsurprisingly, given the weight that I have lost, I found that my caloric intake was pretty low, lower than it should. For this incoming new year I would like to continue with this diet so I was wondering if you know of any tricks. I am a little desperate. This morning I drank a cup of butter and cheese, both melted, obviously. Before going on carnivore I did Keto for a month or so and I could always add some walnuts or peanut butter to my diet. Any ideas? from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT

A Nutritionists Answers Your Top 10 Questions About Autoimmunity

Chances are that you know someone with an autoimmune condition, or perhaps you’re one of the... from Paleo Diet Recipes via IFTTT

Feeling irritated easily

Can I consider feeling irritated and depressed a sign of that I should eat more on that day since I’m following my hunger and I’m not eating a lot recently. And my mood started to become very crappy but not hungry. from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT


Anyway to make eggs easier to eat? They’re pretty bland tbh. I usually eat them sunny side up. from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT

My sister is going vegan in 2019. Resources to change her mind?

So my sister has decided to become a vegan in 2019. I’ve tried to explain to her why I think this is an absolutely horrible idea that could potentially ruin her health. She won’t listen. She doesn’t seem to grasp that there is a connection between diet and mental health, or even diet and physical fitness (or at least considers it possible to increase her physical fitness on a vegan diet). She does not understand the absolute need for certain nutrients in the diet that come only from animal sources. She seems to think all sources of nutrients are equally bioavailable, or hasn’t even asked herself if this is so. I’m not a reliable source because as a carnivore, I am following a disgusting diet that is harming the planet… So nothing I can say can change her mind.​HOWEVER. She has agreed to watch one video of my choosing on the topic of nutrition/the importance of animal foods in the human diet. I don’t want her to become a carnivore – I just want her not to ruin her health by following a ...

Great video! Specially for beginners.

Just watched this video and it explains a lot of the benefits and results of a zero carb diet. Honestly, is exactly what has happened to me! from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT

Liver pills?

I’ve was on this diet briefly this year for a couple of months. I felt fantastic and noticed dramatic improvement in hair, skin, mood and energy. Then I got sick and spent the last five months in and out of the hospital. Had surgery three times for kidney stone, abdominal abscess and diverticulitis (hemicolectomy).I’m better now and considering resuming this diet. I can’t make a causal connection between carnivory and my medical woes. My doctors just shrug because they know nothing about nutrition. But I’m concerned about getting all the nutrients I need to stay as healthy as I can. Liver seems to be an important source of nutrients and I loathe the stuff (except as pâté on toast!) I can eat pan seared foie gras but it is way too pricey.Are liver pills and/or desiccated beef liver powder an acceptable substitute? Or do I even need it at all? Thank you. from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT

[question] homemade paleo salad dressing recipies?

Need some recipes for Paleo salad dressing :) always love hearing from this group! submitted by /u/MediumDefinition [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Liver paté or liver smoothie and chug?

So I got veal liver and cooked a little piece for the first time. Tried a bite and could barely get it down. Surprisingly sweet but the texture just irks me and so does the back taste.Is there advice you can give me for trying to eat this? I know it’s so healthy for me so I want to ingest it somehow. I’m thinking about liver paté or just doing the desperate way of blending it with some ghee and chugging it all from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT

Thoughts on organ meats and the vitamin content of European meat vs American meat?

I have recently started eating organs and have found dramatically increased satiety in even the cheapest, lowest quality beef liver I could find.Also curious about the effects of higher quality animal products that are difficult to find in English speaking western countries (aka America). Such as specialty pasture raised and finished cuts (or higher quality grain finished beef), raw/pasture raised dairy, blood, and fat.I know they are not necessary for this diet but I feel like it…. I don’t know, takes things to another level as far as mental clarity and energy levels go.What are your thoughts guys? from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT

😞 starting to realize...

…that this George Forman grill Santa brought isnt the great idea i thought it would be for this diet/way of life. All the fat drains off…😢 from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT

I have a serious craving for fish. Is there some significance to that? :)

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Is there a BAD way to do zerocarb?

It’s one of those things that sounds easy, but is there a wrong way to ZC? What are some mistakes rookies make? from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT

Liver powder - histamine?

Someone recommended beef liver powder for my health woes and food intolerances (she said it helped a lot when she was reacting to everything). I’ve read people here say liver is high in histamine; would the powder then be too? from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT

Korean BBQ!

I’m trying out this zero carb thing coming from keto. Last night was the first time in a year I’ve gone out for a meal and gotten to totally gorge myself. The best part was, while I left full I left satisfied and not tired and uncomfortable like a dinner at the Chinese buffet of years past.If you’ve never done Korean BBQ, beware there’s hidden sugars in the sauces and marinades, but they can be avoided. I had boneless short rib, brisket, chicken thigh, pork belly, squid and tried small intestine all for $25/head for a two hour spot. from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT

ribeye vs tenderloin

pricing of these two is the same per kg but ribeye will take a week to think i should wait or tenderloin is fine if not better? also the ribeyes are pre-cut as steaks while tenderloin is wholethey are brazillian beef and most likely frozen and im buying it as a bulk from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT

Coffee Goals ☕️🥰♥️🙏🏻 . . #blessed #saturday #weekend #winter...

Coffee Goals ☕️🥰♥️🙏🏻 . . #blessed #saturday #weekend #winter #lchf #coffee #goals #inspiration #motivation #fitlife #paleo #eatclean #workout #fit #health #success #beautiful #hike #travel #life #fitness #yoga #strong #keto #healthychoices #colorado #inspired #healthy from Eat Clean Cook Clean w/Krista via IFTTT

I thought you meaters might like this one. Meat Year! from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT

How does this work for combat athletes?

Hey all. I run a lot and do Muay Thai. I tried eating only meat and eggs and organ meat for a week and had virtually zero energy in the gym after a few days. Anyone have any advice or can you point me in the direction of something to read about this? Specifically for fighters. from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT

Uber confused and dying on day 3

I’m having trouble thinking clearly so I will try to keep this simple to avoid confusion.​​Have been paleo, keto, and CKD. This is my first actually attempt at ZC.​I’m trying ZC to help my Gilbert’s Syndrome which means my liver does not process bilirubin efficiently causing me to have trouble detoxing other substances as well. This can cause fatigue, aching joints, depression, anxiety, and acne to name a few symptoms. After reading an article published by Paleo Medicina and how the Paleo Keto diet which is very similar to ZC and its success at curing the above symptoms it’s a no brainer to try.​I’m not sure if this matters and I cant seem to find an answer on this but due to the GS I naturally can not gain weight. I stay right around 165 Lbs. I also have very little body fat. For some reason I feel that makes it tougher for me to complete this diet because I naturally have almost no body fat to burn I guess.​My job is also physically demanding and I like to exercise at home at the end...


So I’ve been doing carnivore for roughly 16 days (with positive results) but I’ve been a little dissatisfied with my performance. This past week I noticed a slight decrease in my lifts, and I started to worry that maybe carnivore wasn’t best for me. I tried carnivore mainly because I thought it would help me lean out a little more, and help me avoid binging on foods that are borderline Keto (like almonds) and I was really happy with the results from the first two weeks. Like I said, I was coming from a very low carb Keto, so I didn’t expect to have to adapt much at all, which is why I was surprised that I was apparently losing strength. It wasn’t an issue of not getting enough protein (at least I don’t think) as I’ve been eating 2lbs+ of meat (usually beef) every day. Anyways, today I added some broccoli and Brussels sprouts to my dinner (OMAD btw) and I felt like a balloon. It was worse than my days where I would be kicked out of ketosis from a cheat meal, and I honestly feel disgusti...

Ground Beef: Sous Vide = Game Changer

I’ve been eating ground beef pretty much exclusively for the 6 weeks I’ve done ZC.Up until 3 days ago I was melting out much fat in the cooking process. This seemed inevitable unless I wanted the inside to be cold/uncooked whatsoever. I didn’t want to drink the liquid fat, and the meat won’t reabsorb much while it’s hot. The remaining liquid fat went in the trash.Then sous vide changed everything: all the fat stays in the sous vide burger.As soon as I ate the first sous vide burger I understood how badly I’d been missing those much needed fats. I was full after one, whereas before I would’ve eaten two or more. And I stayed full for way longer,had no more indigestion, etc.I implore all the ZCers living off ground beef to get a sous vide rig asap. from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT

3 Week troubleshooting, headaches and fatigue

As the title says, I’m a little over 3 weeks into the carnivore way and had been going along nicely – not really any problems at all. Lot of fatty meat and that sort of thing.But then on week 3 here, I’ve developed a sudden on-set of headaches and fatigue, along with a mental stagnation. My moods have ‘regulated’ but no longer have any ups or downs. It’s the same kind of mild emotion all the time. Almost like those depressed people who go on anti-depressants and turn into a zombie of sorts!My motivation to exercise has decreased as well, due to not feeling energetic. I don’t feel “bad” but not good either. I’m just lingering in the middle. That is my main problem, along with the headaches and overall fatigue/lackluster workouts. I wasn’t experiencing these things at week 1 or 2, they’ve only popped up recently.Any ideas? from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT

24 year old Japanese girl - one week into eating only meat

I wanted to share my story of how I got into zerocarb and how much it has helped me mentally.Prior to zerocarb, I did low carb for 6 months after being convinced that humans don’t need any carbs and I found out about the carnivore diet through Michael Goldstein when I was reading about Bitcoin 🙈​Before going low carb, I did calorie counting and often ate under 1000 calories a day because I was so scared of gaining weight.​I started doing low carb and weight training early this year and I felt so much freedom for the first time after realizing that it was extremely difficult to gain weight as long as I never ate carbs. These were really easy to stick to as long as I knew I wasn’t doing it for weight loss but for health.​A few months ago, I got interested going fully zerocarb because whenever there were days I ate this way, I just felt more energetic and the scale never changed for me no matter how much I ate. Prior to zerocarb I didn’t know what it means to eat until I felt satiated. N...

Zero Carb for Lymes Disease & Anxiety/Depression?

Hi all! I’m not new to low-carb (did it successfully years ago, then intermittently until last year), but am new to the whole zero-carb idea. Is it similar to doing what people call a “fat fast” only all the time? Sorry if that sounds dumb!I do need to lose weight, especially unhealthy body fat so that is motivation for me I admit it. But moreso, I want to see if going this route will help with some of the symptoms of my chronic Lymes Disease, such as horrible flares that are full-body pains, joint pain, lethargy, trouble sleeping, mild heart palpitations, numbness in my hands and sometimes feet (to name the main ones). Does anyone have any experience with this? I’ve read that low-carb diets are great for things like inflammation.I also have severe depression and what can be at times debilitating anxiety/panic disorder (primarily from PTSD after severe family tragedy in 2016 in which both of my parents died fairly unexpectedly, and in between those my son’s father (and whom I had plans...

World Carnivore Month is January 2019! Info dump inside!

Hey all!Our subreddit has grown CONSIDERABLY in the last year - 2018 was a huge year for the zerocarb carnivore movement, and it started through the success of World Carnivore Month at the beginning of 2018! Tens of thousands of people joined Facebook groups, and 50,000 people subscribed to this subreddit! Hundreds are talking about the carnivore diet on Twitter - you can see if someone is a carnivore by checking if they have ©️ in their name, like mine! hyper©️arnivoreWe have multiple doctors not only suggesting that people try a carnivorous zerocarb diet, but are even doing it themselves and realizing they too have been conned by the health and nutrition establishment.Doctors such as:Dr. Shawn Baker - u/shawnbaker1967Dr. Ken D BerryDr. Jay WrigleyDr. Anthony JayDr. Kevin StockDr. Christian AssadDr. Paul SaladinoDr. Robert PastoreDr. David UnwinDr. Michael EadesDr. Tro Kalayjian - u/DoctorTroDr. Paul MasonDr. Csaba TothDr. Anthony ChaffeeDr. Georgia Ede ( Ted Naim...

Any APOE4’s out there?

I think over this a lot but this website leads me to believe zero carb may in fact be a fantastic answer for us… from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT

How to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes with the Paleo Diet

Although traditional approaches to diabetes have involved low-fat diets, lackluster results and an... from Paleo Diet Recipes via IFTTT

[Question] Starting Paleo Sunday due to a health diagnosis need some help/advice

I’ve been lurking all the paleo websites, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s and need to be on an anti-inflammatory diet. They recommended paleo as their top, but also no dairy, sugar, or cauliflower as it is an antagonist. I am also allergic to beef and flax. Do you guys have any go to meals and snack ideas? submitted by /u/novae1054 [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

How was the transition from Keto to zero carb for most people?

I love exercising and keeping fit and I’m just wondering if there will be a less energy phase similar to adapting to Keto. Also maybe some other side effects I should be aware of. Thanks. from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT

Carnivore alternative to strawberries History of Flavoring Food With Beaver Butt JuiceA History of Flavoring Food With Beaver Butt JuiceNo, castoreum is not a cheap substitute for strawberries; it’s luxe, artisanal secretions from a beaver’s rear Nadia Berenstein|Dec 20 2018, 4:00pm“Is fake strawberry really beaver butt?” a guy once asked me after a talk I gave on the history of synthetic flavors.“Is artificial vanilla actually made from beaver anal gland?” a friend asked me, not too long ago.I get these questions a lot.I’m a historian who writes about the flavor industry. This means I’ve witnessed firsthand the weird obsession some people have with castoreum, a beaver-gland-derived flavor ingredient, and the notion that we are all unwittingly eating beaver butt juice. Vani Hari, the health-and-wellness blogger known as the Food Babe, didn’t start this fire, but she’s certainly fanned its flames. In a video on her YouT...

Observations from the Holidays

Hi zerocarb,Mid november I started adjusting towards a zerocarb. I have never been a “meat eater” tho I have been a r/gainit subscriber. after my experience gaining weight, i gave up that lifestyle and went back to being my skinny self and eating “light” plantbased foods.I got really sick with strep and after antibiotics my body was in ruins. Numerous chronic health problems.After several years of no relief I decided to give carnivore a try. I did it for about 3-4 weeks with 2 being strictly carnivore. I experienced less depression, morning grogginess and OCD, I lost about 8 lbs of what I assume was water weight and the bags under my eyes vanished. I realize this is still within the noob realm.Then cam christmas. I was not about to miss my moms meals, as for me its just not my prerogative.That said, I over did it. I indulged in the sweets and even had some alcohol which I rarely do. By overdoing it it made it more difficult to get back to zerocarb. Everytime I would have “healthy” carb...

Shoutout to the mods.

Thanks for taking out the option to post images.I enjoyed the food posts, but your decision was necessary in order to promote more informational and science based posts (in this fast growing subreddit).As mentioned, I enjoyed the food posts, but I do not miss them. It was about time we started taking this section of reddit more seriously. from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT

How to eat more fat? Don't like the chewiness of it.

I mostly eat Ribeye or Top Sirloin on the Carnivore diet, but can’t bring myself to eat the fatty parts - the chewiness just grosses me out. I do cook my steaks in butter and eat some 20% fat ground beef, but know I’m not eating enough fat.I try to eat eggs some but don’t find them that appealing, maybe if I just do the yolks raw? How else can I get more healthy animal fats?​ from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT

Just bought beef liver for the first time!

Hey all! Long time lurker, first time poster. I am slowly transitioning into a fully carnivorous diet from a more flexible ketogenic diet. I just picked up some frozen beef liver from my local butcher shop… how should I cook this?! What’s your favorite way to eat liver? 🥩❤️ from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT

Okay, I’m going all beef.

I’ve decided that this is best. But the issue here is getting enough fat. I’ve been using duck fat and butter but now that those are out I’ve got a new learning curve to take. Can you guys tell me how you get sufficient amounts of fat? from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT

Reacting to supplements

If someone has an issue with reacting to supplements, do you guys think this could be potentially safe? Vitamin C Powder (1 lb.) by Pure… from Zero Carb Zebras via IFTTT

[Question] Which ice cream is the most Paleo-friendly?

First, yes, I know, no ice cream is truly Paleo. However, it is the holidays, and my family is stressful. Which ice cream can I buy that would be the most Paleo-friendly? Low sugar but still tasty? (I do great with dairy, so that’s fine too.) submitted by /u/vividbrightcolors [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Carnivore Diet success stories: with Heather

I have been doing Carnivore Diet success stories on my blog since September now. Finally got my wife to do one haha. Check out the original post for photos etc: anyone would like to contribute their own story, feel free to contact me…………………………..Interview with Heather1) Introduce Yourself.My name is Heather AKA The Wife, and I am married to Steven AKA Ketogenic Endurance! I am a fur-mama to our rescue lurchers, Bambi and Luna. I enjoy camping, walking, running, gym, photography and general self-improvement.2) How did you eat before Carnivore.A variety of ways and for a variety of reasons. At worst, I’ve eaten what I want, when I want, with a ‘life’s too short not to enjoy yourself’ attitude. I dabbled in vegetarianism for (misplaced) ethical reasons but this lasted less than a year, as I experienced strong cravings for a traditional Sunday Roast! Most dietary decisions I’ve made were with we...