Observations from the Holidays

Hi zerocarb,Mid november I started adjusting towards a zerocarb. I have never been a “meat eater” tho I have been a r/gainit subscriber. after my experience gaining weight, i gave up that lifestyle and went back to being my skinny self and eating “light” plantbased foods.I got really sick with strep and after antibiotics my body was in ruins. Numerous chronic health problems.After several years of no relief I decided to give carnivore a try. I did it for about 3-4 weeks with 2 being strictly carnivore. I experienced less depression, morning grogginess and OCD, I lost about 8 lbs of what I assume was water weight and the bags under my eyes vanished. I realize this is still within the noob realm.Then cam christmas. I was not about to miss my moms meals, as for me its just not my prerogative.That said, I over did it. I indulged in the sweets and even had some alcohol which I rarely do. By overdoing it it made it more difficult to get back to zerocarb. Everytime I would have “healthy” carbs Id use it as an excuse to eat junk carbs as well.My 36hr binge turned into about 72hrs. The whole time wanting to get back to this WOE.I am back at it now, and get wait to start feeling better again. It was fun, but I realized coming off of zerocarb is a slippery slope and Ill have to be more careful, and not use mashed potstoes as a gateway to chocolate and dessert.Its odd that when I got to my moms I weighed 140, and after ~16 hrs of carbs my body packed on 8-9lbs of weight, the eye bags came back with a vengeance and my food will power was immediately drained, bloating and morning depression.All the negative changes in my face seem the norm when I look at my family members and it made me a little sad. I dont think my family is built to consume HC diets.Anyway, I am back on the train again and excited to feel better.Thanks for reading.

from Zero Carb Zebras http://bit.ly/2Antil4


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