Personal Responsibility in light of Vegan Propaganda around the New Year

While scrolling my social media this morning a obviously vegan article was shared saying that a reduction in meat consumption is the best decision to aid the planet in 2019, and I had to kindly and politely inform them of the error within this claim. Below is my response. I share this because the media is clearly aligned with the plant based community unfortunately and more people need to step up to the plate and defend our right to eat meat, because vegan lobbying is real and it could seriously effect our personal lifestyle in the future.Link to article: response: The best thing you can do for the planet is police your own water use because it is the most scarce resource on the planet. Industrial meat production is bad and people should source their meat responsibly from local farmers, but to think that vegans have steered clear of environmental destruction is a farce.When studying hydrology during my time at WVU it was made abundantly clear to us that water availability is the single largest impact resource that guides government decision making not oil. Our national security is intimately tied with water.  You might be asking… how is this relevant? Well all of the companies catering to the Vegan community, which by the way will not sustain adequate nutrition without supplemetation, are buying up water rights across various states in order to produce products that are quote on quote “vegan”. One of the biggest offenders are almond farms. A single almond requires 3 gallons of water to be produce from start to finish, now imagine for a minute how many almonds it requires to make so called almond “milk”, which is also a fallacy because milk implies that there is an aspect of the product coming from a living animal, where as it’s really almond infused water.So instead of encouraging people to not eat meat, encourage them to source their meat in a responsible manner. It is a privellage in this nation that people have the option to eat the way vegans do and have supplements that will fill in the gaps for their nutrition. Other nations would be blessed to incorporate more meat into their diet due to the immense nutritional properties.There are people currently treating autoimmune diseases, reversing autism symptoms, healing skin disorders, and a plethora of other ailments with a zero carb all meat diet. YouTube and reddit is filled with numerous instances and anecdotal cases to support this. If you choose to be vegan that is your right, but please don’t falsely encourage people to steer away from what is actually one of the most beneficial and natural aspects of any diet. Humans are hunter gatherers by nature and no one went around 10,000 years ago trying to slay carrots to feed themselves, they were eating the fattest cuts of meat they could find because of the human body’s natural propensity to run more efficiently in a fat burning state vs a glycogen burning state.

from Zero Carb Zebras


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