
Showing posts from January, 2022

Does anyone do a mostly meat paleo diet? Looking for other experiences with long term health/ general well being with others eating mostly meat with some fruits and occasional vegetables.

submitted by /u/baconegg4me [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Help with finding naturally sweetened ice cream

Hi I was hoping that due to the nature of the Paleo diet someone would have suggestions for a sugar conscious ice cream available in stores. What I mean by that is that it is sweetened with natural like maple syrup or honey and avoiding sugar alcohols or refined sugars. So far I have found Vixen Kitchen Paleo gelato which is exactly what I’m looking for but am interested in other options. I understand that I could make what I am looking for but sometimes you want to just sit back and crack open a pint someone else made. Thanks! submitted by /u/dirtstinky [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Please share your positive story if paleo helped with autoimmune problems eczema or psoriasis? How about anxiety & weight loss! Thx 😀

submitted by /u/SprSumFalWin [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Anyone figured a way for vegan paleo? I'm not vegan but trying different things to see what Wythe best for my body. Thx

submitted by /u/SprSumFalWin [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

London Fog Drink – Earl Grey Tea Latte Recipe...

London Fog Drink – Earl Grey Tea Latte Recipe from Paleo Diet Guide via IFTTT

What's your opinion about Mike Geary and paleohacks?

Hey everyone… Who are the trusted experts or doctors whatever you call them you trust ,read or follow when it comes to Paleo? Feel free to follow any different resources someone NEW to the paleo world like Me can go to for more info about paleo… Thanks in advance for your thoughts . submitted by /u/BUnatMe [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

I'm NEW to the paleo world and I would like to learn from the best in this space...

Who are the Top leading 1-5 companies in the paleo market? I did some research on Amazon and Google and found a lot of companies, But for me whenever I want to study something new I always go for the Best in order to avoid headaches and half baked information. I would like to visit their sites and learn more about the paleo lifestyle. If you have a clue on the best paleo companies out there please share I’ll be so grateful. submitted by /u/Profits-Pulling-Copy [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Yummy salad today : mixed greens, avocado, poached egg, grain-free turkey meatball

submitted by /u/felicityfeline [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Imo, there should be a distinction between paleodiet and paleolithic diet

Paleo is the latin prefix and simply means “ancient”. Paleodiet includes some incorporation of agricultural foods such as RAW diary, bread, wine and beer. Paleolithic diet is hunter-gatherer diet. Just a little distinctions like vegatarianism and veganism.. The difference between paleolithic diet and paleodiet is minimal compared to the all the junk humans eat started eating 20th century. Look at stillevens (still life paintings) of the 16th-18th Century, theyre all paleo, mostly wild game, fruits and vegetables, but also some dairy and bread. submitted by /u/n00b0wn3r [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Bircher benders paleo mix - how can I make these cook better? They come out mushy inside every time :/

submitted by /u/csunnyville302 [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Do You Want To Start Paleo?

Do You Want To Start Paleo?: Learn how to start in this excellent free guide! Click the link to... from Paleo Diet Guide via IFTTT

Are You Looking For The BEST Paleo Recipes?

Are You Looking For The BEST Paleo Recipes?: Get cooking, good looking! Top Paleo cookbooks... from Paleo Diet Guide via IFTTT

Ask a Health Coach: More of Your Cravings Questions Answered...

Ask a Health Coach: More of Your Cravings Questions Answered from Paleo Diet Guide via IFTTT

Keto Creamy Tuscan Garlic Chicken Recipe

submitted by /u/Ebro18 [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Keto Creamy Tuscan Garlic Chicken Recipe

submitted by /u/Ebro18 [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Paleo versus Keto

Has anyone tried both? Is there really a difference? Which did you prefer and why? submitted by /u/IterLuminis [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Initial paleo effects?

Following up from u/Im_ALivingPotato post, how do you deal with initial effects of starting paleo eating? I started at new year but found I felt the need to add in a few non paleo items to feel OK. I was feeling lightheaded and woozy after a few days on fully paleo. Was this a lack of calories? I wasn’t particularly hungry, but did get fed up of nuts and fruit. I was combining it with I.f. so don’t do breakfast, but would eat dinner and tea (lunch and dinner!!) If I started 100% again, how long till my body would adjust to feeling normal again? submitted by /u/flutterby82 [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Keto Steak With Garlic Butter Mushrooms - recipe

submitted by /u/Ebro18 [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

[homemade] Almonds Italiano, Karen's coconut crunch and Vanilla notcake [Keto]

submitted by /u/Ebro18 [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Taking the plunge, I'm going full paleo. Any advice you would like to give a noob?

My doctor recommended this diet as to cut down more on my refined foods. I haven’t a clue where to start, I did buy a book that has all the science behind the paleo diet and some recipes. What struggles did you have once you switched to a full paleo diet? Did you notice any changes to your moods? How long until you physically felt healthy? If you done any other diets How did they differ? Thank you for your advice submitted by /u/Im_ALivingPotato [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Want your input for an app I’m building to make it easier to follow your diet lifestyle!

Hi paleo community.. I would love to hear from you for my current project. Having recently graduated university, I am an app developer and digital nomad. What I have been dreaming of doing for the paleo community here is building an iOS app that helps everyone meet the paleo dietary lifestyle more affordably and conveniently. My idea is centered around buying paleo-friendly snacks at grocery store. I’m early on in this initiative and want to connect with you guys to better understand how I can make finding paleo food and snacks easier for you. If you could take a moment to answer a few questions and share your experience it would really help shape this initiative! Link is here (takes about 6 mins according to survey monkey): Thank you for giving your time. Stay healthy and safe! Linda submitted by /u/yeung_wild_free [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

A2 and A1 Milk Equivalent Except with Gluten and FODMAP?

Hello, Recently, I was just able to reintroduce dairy back into my diet by drinking A2 milk over A1 milk! No more digestive issues, bloating, or gas from A2 milk. I was wondering, on a similar note, I’ve always had issues with consuming gluten and FODMAP products, leading to indigestion, constipation, gas, etc. Does anyone know if certain gluten products are easier to digest and/or does anyone know how to improve one’s digestion so that they are once again able to consume gluten and FODMAP foods with no digestion issues? Thank you! submitted by /u/BHOUZER [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Help me out

So is paleo basically keto without dairy products ? submitted by /u/Super_Ad_1226 [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Today felt like a good day. I’m 50 cals short but 🤷‍♀️ paleo has helped keep my budget on track !

submitted by /u/Miranskiii [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT


Recently started paleo to cut down on weight. Feeling nauseated and sometimes it feels like my heart is working extra hard….is this normal? submitted by /u/lifeiscircular [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

10 Productivity Hacks That Really Work

10 Productivity Hacks That Really Work from Paleo Diet Guide via IFTTT

2 ingredient Paleo Marshmallows

submitted by /u/healthyholme [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Mmm more lamb - spaghetti squash, green beans and zucchini with black lava salt 🤤

submitted by /u/felicityfeline [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

I would like to start paleo because of my hypothyroidism and have some questions

I have hypothyroidism and use Levaxin. Hoping paleo will help my digestion/thyroid function plus muscle and joint pain from exercising. Because I exercise regularly, what can be some carb sources? My mood is also hit hard without carbs so carbs are a necessity. I have been supplementing with protein powder but milk protein is ruled out I’m assuming with paleo. How do I meet my protein under paleo? Will this become a lifestyle? Because I assume if I go off paleo any weight/fat I lose will resurface. I’m fine with that if I’ve tuned into a sustainable paleo diet, just something that occurred to me. submitted by /u/rockyfurter [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

My Daily supplements : desiccated beef organs and concentrated seawater minerals

submitted by /u/felicityfeline [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

GREAT, BIG FOOD STORIES: 5 Best Paleo Cookbook Reviews - Updated 2020 (A Must Read!)

submitted by /u/certifiedfoodlover [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Lamb chops 🤤

submitted by /u/felicityfeline [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Primal Weightloss Diet

Aajonus Vonderplanitz, nutritionist of the Primal Diet has a few protocols that he gives his clients for weight loss. One protocol, which can be applied raw or cooked, I will explain here. He has his clients drink vegetable juice, and raw eggs. Thats it. Until you lose the weight. The vegetable juice had electrolytes, and will keep your digestion functioning well. The eggs, containing every nutrient in existence, are the easiest to digest food. They fully digest in about 30 minutes. The protein contains all the amino acids, and combined with good raw animal fat, the eggs provide great focus and energy. This also gives the intestines a great break because the egg completely digests at the very beginning of the intestines. But, I mean, you could eat hard boiled eggs and drink cucumber juice. You won’t get the benefit of giving the intestines a break. You’ll feel more shitty. Less energy. But you could do it. If you are scared of salmonella or something. I’ve never gotten sick off a r...

Wild caught salmon, asparagus, organic purple sweet potatoes

submitted by /u/felicityfeline [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Is there a Paleo 30 or 60 day plan? I did Paleo for about 2 years and I have been sick the last few months and need to start again. Any help is appreciated!

submitted by /u/tyler_Suite [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

I have been in ketosis for some time but have a strong interest in Paleo. I seem to understand that Paleo is not keto specific (if I'm not mistaken) and wonder what the negatives and positives may be by veering toward Paleo, rather than Keto only.

I know my energy levels from ketones are constant and feel good. Might I run into lethargy if I start incorporating paleo led carbohydrate sources, or am I misunderstanding? submitted by /u/Samuelson_Cast [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

1. Lamb with organic zucchini & spaghetti squash 2. Lamb with organic purple sweet potatoes & spaghetti squash

submitted by /u/felicityfeline [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Fatty Acid Composition of Grain- and Grass-Fed Beef and Their Nutritional Value and Health Implication — Kim Margarette C. Nogoy, Bin Sun, and Sungkwon Park - The Korean Society for Food Science of Animal Resources

submitted by /u/dem0n0cracy [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Don’t have to spend to much at a restaurant when I can enjoy my peaceful moment at home 🏡

submitted by /u/Beneficial_Cress1395 [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

5 minute meal. 10oz zucchini with lemon pepper. 8oz seared ahi with Monterrey steak seasoning. 55g protein. 285 calories. 100% delicious.

submitted by /u/elderberghumperdinck [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

I spent a lot of time researching and I finally finished my article on whether humans are meant to eat meat (from an evolutionary perspective). Let me know what you think!

submitted by /u/pumpkinghosty [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Intermittent fasting and autophagy

What is autophagy? Humanity has longed for the desire of eternal youth for centuries. Our body is able to renew itself or, more precisely, its own cells , in a completely natural way . This process is called autophagy or autophagocytosis and means from the Latin translated “auto” itself and from the Greek “phagein” to digest . The 2016 Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded for research into the mechanisms of this phenomenon. The Japanese Nobel Prize laureate, Yoshinori Ohsumi, used yeast cells to investigate what exactly happens in autophagy and what role they play in human health. In this way, the cell biologist was able to demonstrate the effect of cell renewal But how exactly does your own “cell rejuvenation” work? Your organism does not waste resources. Building blocks that are damaged or defective, such as incorrectly folded proteins or individual components of your cells, are specifically broken down and reused. So you have an internal recycling system in your body. Autophagy...

Biggest challenge with Hashimoto's or hypothyroidism?- conducting research.

Ladies- what is your biggest challenge with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis or hypothyroidism? 🦋 I am conducting research for a new educational YouTube channel for women with Hashimoto’s and hypothyroidism, and I would love your input. Would you be open to a quick 30 min chat with me? I would be honored to hear a little more about your experience. Everything shared is for my own research only and completely confidential (no sales or self-promotion). What I am learning is helping me make my channel the most helpful and effective for women. Respond in the comments below if you’re interested in scheduling a chat. You can also send me a message. Thank you so much, Josie (Denver, CO) A little about me: I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s at age 22 and struggled with symptoms like fatigue, weight gain, anxiety, brain fog, and hormonal imbalances for years. Paleo was very helpful to me in getting my symptoms under control. submitted by /u/josiewarren1987 [link] [comments] from paleo diet h...

What fish is lowest in mercury and has the most similar texture (don't care about taste) to Tuna?

Canned tuna has the best texture on the planet, but the mercury content is obviously too high. I haven’t had any other fish, so the charts of mercury content don’t help me. They might be low in mercury, but I don’t know what texture they have. Are there any low mercury fish with that firm, meaty, chickeny texture of tuna? How are sardines texturally? submitted by /u/elijahhoward [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Air fried sirloin steaks and raw beef bone marrow

submitted by /u/anonlodico [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Do You Want To Start Paleo?

Do You Want To Start Paleo?: Learn how to start in this excellent free guide! Click the link to... from Paleo Diet Guide via IFTTT

6 Mind-Body Approaches for Menopause

6 Mind-Body Approaches for Menopause from Paleo Diet Guide via IFTTT

Jack's Paleo Kitchen reviews?

Was wondering if any of you guys have tried these cookies? I’ve tried the brownies and they were really tasty. Wondering if the cookies are good as well? submitted by /u/plrs199 [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Hey! Trying to add gogi berries to my granola but in the oven they keep getting brown...any suggestions? I know I can add them after I cook the granola but I really want them to stick to the clusters. Help!

submitted by /u/Imaginary-Pride6181 [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

But… is it actually “paleo”?

Pls don’t hate me for this lol but just asking for clarification/discussion here because I’ve had this question for years. Why is it called the paleo diet if it’s not an accurate description? Graduated with a degree in anthropology and studied archaeology, particularly ancestral humans. While they didn’t eat processed foods (obviously), they most definitely ate both grains and legumes, which are both eliminated on the paleo diet. (Ex: “Ötzi” the iceman- he had partially digested einkorn (ancient corn) found in his preserved digestive system.) And when it comes to the goal of eating like the ancestors, we’re technically unable to because almost all modern crops have been bred to be completely different from their ancient counterparts. I eat mostly paleo and did AIP for a while to address 2 autoimmune issues, so not asking to be a tool/to criticize the diet, just genuinely wanted to ask peoples’ opinions! Maybe I’m being nitpicky, but like why not just call it the whole foods diet or th...

Seasoning Cast Iron without Vegetable Oils

I am wondering what our recent ancestors used to season cookware prior to the availability of vegetable oils. I’m assuming animal oils. Anyone know which ones are best? submitted by /u/SenexFox [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Rise of autoimmune diseases worldwide blamed on western diet. Who would have guessed?

submitted by /u/rootyb [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

I guess my diet is Paleo right?

submitted by /u/Tom_Gluch [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Let Paleo go the last year and a half and back on it…

In Dec. 2019 I started paleo and at 321 lbs. and by September 2020 I was down to a low of 206.8. Kept it in the teens from there and backed off. Got a new job, moved cities, new girlfriend and by March 2021, up to 230. Slowly creeping to 250 and started Jan. 3. Added an hour or 2 of exercise today and back down to 240.8 this morning. Love Paleo and didn’t have the same withdrawals. Plan to go to my original target of 180 and off on a good track! submitted by /u/cjfw29 [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Russian Mayonaisse Salad (LOW CARB Recipe)

submitted by /u/shadowdoomer [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Homemade Lamb Loin Chops

submitted by /u/Tangentkoala [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Paleo snack subscription box?

Hi there. Does anybody know of any paleo snack subscription boxes? I’m looking to get a gift for my sibling to help them out with the paleo lifestyle. Thanks in advance! submitted by /u/nbinny [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Adhd friendly guide through gradual elimination AIP?

Is there a guide or outline that just tells you the steps? How. to slowly eliminate foods and which ones to eliminate first along with a timeline? And the same that will walk me through reintroduction? I looked at sarah ballantyne’s book and site and it’s really overwhemling. I wound up going in circles not finding what I was looking for. The whole 30 is too much at once. I have to do this a section at a time. It’s a lot easier if I can do a food or food group at a time. I’m already gluten, dairy, egg, and nut free. At least I think I’ve caught all the little things and ingredients they can show up in. I’m just trying to figure out what to do next, how to eliminate it (like ways it sneaks into other foods), how long to eliminate it, and when and how to reintroduce it. Etc. It’s possible I may hage issues with FODMAPS or histamine, but I really need to do this a bit at a time. submitted by /u/gotja [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Sunlight and sunrise/sunset light exposure?

I know it isn’t exactly about the paleo diet but I figured there would be some overlap - is there a subreddit that focuses on sunlight for health? Thanks submitted by /u/ATmountainmama [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Would anyone be interested in a custom Keto diet plan?

We are doing “Custom Keto Diet Plans” if you want to get your new year off right and get fit and healthy in 2022 let me know who would like one? Comment ME Down Below submitted by /u/tool_12 [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Meal prepping

Hello, Paleo People! I just started paleo(25M). I’m really into meal prepping and I’m wondering what are some of your favorite recipes you use to meal prep for a week or two? submitted by /u/Majestic_smoke_ [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Has anyone successfully healed their psoriasis?

I’m a psoriasis sufferer and I’m trying to heal it through diet. I have read and heard a number of success stories, but was hoping some folk might share theirs. I’m following a relatively low carb diet - no sweet potatoes or regular potatoes, as I’m avoiding all nightshades. I am eating carrots and parsnips, though I will try to minimise them and add cauliflower to my soups in their place. Also, what do people think about blending soups. Is that likely to ‘free’ the sugar and cause insulin spikes? submitted by /u/GraceMercyLove [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Looking for Primal Dietors interested in being involved in a Documentary

Looking to make a short YouTube documentary film on this subculture of the fitness community. If you or anyone you know from the Southern Ontario or GTA area is interested in taking part in it please DM me. Specifically those who consume raw milk, raw meat, or even rotting. submitted by /u/billychristie [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

In search for the healthiest diet

Dear community, As I have been interested in nutrition and health/food topics for a long time I researched and tried nearly every diet out there. My goal is not necessarily to lose weight (as I am at a normal weight), but to become healthier and live a long life. Recently I’ve looked into the vegan diet again (several years ago I was vegetarian for 1 year and vegan for roughly 4 months), but was very skeptical towards the many processed foods and substitutes, as well as the nearly dogmatic demonization of animal protein (even towards small amounts of grass fed unprocessed meat for example). Therefore I am now looking again into the paleo diet (I gathered some information about it some years ago) and like the aspect of eating clean, unprocessed natural food. I am only hesitating because I’ve read many times during my research that meat and other animal products are heavily linked to cancer, which is my biggest fear. My questions are: 1. Why are all those study’s linking meat to cancer...


I (21F) just recently started the paleo diet about 3 days ago and whatever I eat, I feel like I digest so fast. My boyfriend (30M) and I ate 3 paleo dinners last night because we kept getting hungry. We had a caulipower pizza, Vegan chorizo vegetable stir-fry, and chicken and steamed vegetables. Today I had a iceberg lettuce wrapped Tandoori turkey burger which made me full (around 8:30) and I am starvinggg now and I’m trying to fight the urge to eat again and I don’t want this to happen everyday. Has anyone experienced anything similar? How did you stop it or did your body just naturally adjust? submitted by /u/Tienshinhan_ [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Question about sugar and carb intake.

Hello, I was wondering if anyone here eats the Paleo diet without eating any heavy carb vegetables like potatoes, corn, plantain or squashes and if just eating higher amounts of fruit is enough while only eating low carb vegetables. Thank you! submitted by /u/Airbender430 [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Question about complex carbohydrates and GI

So, I don’t know who to ask, so I am asking here. I do not have weight problem, but only because I eliminated a lot of food during my life just to let my gut function normally (dairy, beans, fruits). I would like to know what carbohydrates you find easiest to digest while having low GI. I find the only alternatives barley and oats. Are you ok with cous-cous and bulgur? Thank you! submitted by /u/Wild-Perspective-467 [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT


Hi guys so I’m a little confused. I’m on the bulletproof diet which is part keto and paleo and I was wondering which SUGAR is allowed. I know there’s an bulletproof article about natural sweetners instead but my question is what about raw sugarcane or unrefined sugar? submitted by /u/Adam_0071 [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Resistant wheat starch? In Keto white bread would that be acceptable?

submitted by /u/okok1456789 [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Paleo foods

Been paleo for 2 years now is there any other foods that aren’t “paleo” but acceptable and generally healthy need more options submitted by /u/okok1456789 [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Looking for Primal Dieters interested in taking part in a documentary.

Looking to make a short YouTube documentary film on this subculture of the fitness community. If you or anyone you know from the Southern Ontario or GTA area is interested in taking part in it please DM me. Specifically looking for regular consumers of raw meat, raw eggs, raw milk, and even those who consume rotted foods. Thanks. submitted by /u/billychristie [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Starting a paleo diet

Hey guys, apologies if this was answered already, but as is the case for most people, I believe I’m in a unique situation. So I have depression, binge eating disorder, and low energy due to long-term opioid withdrawal. My main 3 goals are to 1) possibly treat my depression with a diet, 2) eliminate cravings, and 3) lose weight. I have been eating pretty poorly (I eat one healthy meal and one big unhealthy meal almost daily). I fast intermittently, but I always crave junk. Always. It sucks. So my questions are, 1) How do I go about this? Is paleo right for me? 2) Are there any dangers I need to know about before starting this? 3) I hate meal prep. Is there any place where I can buy ready lean meats that will not cause me to go completely broke? 4) Are there any decent tasting paleo-friendly foods that I can buy at a local supermarket? 5) Should I slowly introduce this or should I go right into it? Thank you! submitted by /u/No-Crew-6227 [link] [comments] from paleo diet ht...