Adhd friendly guide through gradual elimination AIP?

Is there a guide or outline that just tells you the steps? How. to slowly eliminate foods and which ones to eliminate first along with a timeline?

And the same that will walk me through reintroduction?

I looked at sarah ballantyne’s book and site and it’s really overwhemling. I wound up going in circles not finding what I was looking for.

The whole 30 is too much at once. I have to do this a section at a time.

It’s a lot easier if I can do a food or food group at a time. I’m already gluten, dairy, egg, and nut free. At least I think I’ve caught all the little things and ingredients they can show up in. I’m just trying to figure out what to do next, how to eliminate it (like ways it sneaks into other foods), how long to eliminate it, and when and how to reintroduce it. Etc.

It’s possible I may hage issues with FODMAPS or histamine, but I really need to do this a bit at a time.

submitted by /u/gotja
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from paleo diet


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