Thinking of starting paleo - worried about losing weight?

Hi all,

I’m mid 30’s, what most would consider “fit and healthy” in that I excercise regularly, ran half marathons, done an ironman, lift weights and do cardio several times a week.

However, I have high blood pressure, mostly pre-hypertension levels but its creeped into stage 1 hyper in the past few weeks.

I’m 6ft and around 90kg (around 200lbs for my american brothers and sisters). I rarely drink, have recently cut out caffeine and don’t smoke.

I always thought my diet was “healthy” because I rarely eat junk, but I eat a LOT of grains. 3 to 4 scoops of oats in my protein shakes, bread, potatoes etc.

I’ve been reading up on paleo and how it might help my BP. My main worry though is being able to get enough calories in per day. I have always been slim and putting weight on for me has been difficult. I’m at my ideal weight now and want to keep it that way.

Obviously I don’t want to be consuming tons of nuts every day, and the paleo food list looks a little limited. Can anybody offer some advice recommendations for being able to consume around 3,000 calories a day with Paleo?

Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/FrayBentosCuban
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from paleo diet


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