Lose tolerance for other foods after long term on Paleo?

So non paleo foods like beans, dairy, etc always kind of bugged me, but I could still eat them… but I’ve been mostly paleo for a good 3-4 years now and the results on my stomach are more intense if I “indulge.”

The other day I ate a veggie burger made of texturized soy protein…OMG… was at the gym later that day and had to run right then to the bathroom because I thought I was going to shit my self…then after my farts smelled like a dead animal had crawled inside me, seriously suffocating. Won’t be doing that again.

I have noticed my dairy tolerance is completely wiped also. Even something as small as one of those tiny creamers in my coffee will make my stomach start talking to me.

Another is fried food/greasy food… pretty much always heart burn and diarrhea within an hour now. I had some “safe” paleo foods awhile back of eggs/sweet potatoes/bacon at a breakfast place…but I think the amount of grease they used wrecked me.

About the only non paleo food I can eat is rice with something like sushi or oatmeal as overnight oats, they don’t phase me at all.

I think this is a sign that these foods aren’t natural to me, or I’ve just lost all tolerance to them as it’s been so long since my body saw them come down the shoot.

submitted by /u/picklepuss13
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from paleo diet https://ift.tt/34z5VLU


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