Is this a form of paleo?

Low carb vegetables such as cabbage, courgettes, carrots, swede, cauliflower, broccoli, green beans etc other than that it’s only fresh frozen meats & fish. The only nut allowed would be coconut because it’s technically considered a fruit and mostly would only use the water/milk/cream to cook. For fruit, a few berries a day.

No eggs, dairy, nuts, gluten, etc. I think the closest thing I know to this diet is called “vegan keto” but obviously vegan keto but if you could eat meat too but no other animal products or nuts.

I would probably only eat one meal a day on this because I feel like that I would definitely be quite hungry otherwise and snacking on a diet like this is impossible. Also the benefits of intermittent fasting.

submitted by /u/TraditionAnxious
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from paleo diet


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