Currently keto, looking at Paleo

Been on keto for about two months. Always feeling my heart pounding during sleep and feeling more unhealthy than I was eating junk. I eat salmon, chicken, ground beef, steaks, pork, spinach, romaine lettuce, cherry tomatoes, spring mix, avocados, and for an occasional small sweet treat I’ll do one serving of rebel icecream.

Yesterday found out my blood pressure increased slightly from last month. So now I’m wondering if Keto is just not a healthy diet for me specifically.

So im looking at the Paleo diet now. I will start my research after therapy in an hour but for now I was wondering if anyone here had any tips or suggestions about the switch. Has anyone tried keto and switched to Paleo too? Experiences? Ect.

Thanks so much :)

submitted by /u/Eonia
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from paleo diet


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