Can’t eat leftovers - suggestions?

So, the diet I follow isn’t paleo exactly but has a lot of similarities. No processed foods, added sugar or sweeteners, dairy, gluten.The thing I struggle most with is being unable to eat leftovers, especially any meat that has been cured/precooked, due to a health condition (MCAS for those curious) that causes allergic reactions to higher histamine food. Slow cooking is also an issue because of this, as well as eating some other foods (tomato, avocado, seafood, alcohol to name a few).

I’m a graduate student with the usual time and money limitations associated with grad school, as well as some mobility issues. I prioritize cooking because it’s really necessary for me, but these constraints make it difficult to find time to cook for every meal. Also if I don’t eat meat at least once daily, I struggle with feeling very lightheaded and tired, as well as excess weight loss if not eating enough meat becomes a regular thing.

I know this isn’t a super common problem, but I would appreciate any suggestions, or even quick/easy recipes that would work for this as I’m really struggling with the logistics of making this work.

submitted by /u/rubbercitylatina
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from paleo diet


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