Severe carb-flu symptoms, what's happening to me? Please help

Without realizing it, I went on a low carb diet that gave me severe symptoms that put me into the ER. For the past month I thought I had dementia. It felt like I was losing my mind. For weeks on end I would have to remind myself where I was driving, forgetting what exit on the highway my destination was, I had to stop working because ideas wouldn’t register in my head, experienced extreme dizziness, lightheadedness that made me think I was about to pass out, had severe short-term memory and couldn’t process new concepts or ideas. I thought I had carbon monoxide poisoning, mold toxicity, mercury poisoning, seizures, etc. I was scared for my life because the doctors at urgent care and the emergency room couldn’t figure out what was wrong.

Ironically, around 4 days ago my friends invited me to a restaurant immediately felt better after eating a burger 4 days ago though. That’s when I realized I couldn’t remember the last time I had bread. I thought carbs were making me worse because anytime I had candy my short-term memory and dizziness would spike for the entire next day, and I would either feel great after eating fruit or worse, nothing in between. I even had small cups of rice at restaurants but thought that made me feel worse too. So I avoided carbs even more. I All this started around the time my friend convinced me to try the carnivore diet. I remembered hearing about the keto flu once and it all made sense. I didn’t introduce enough fat to replace my new lack of carbs. My diet turned into eggs in the morning and chicken or salmon at night.

My blood tests didn’t show anything wrong. My glucose levels were in the normal range. But I never got a blood test previously so I have nothing to compare it to. I also got a glucometer because a friend mentioned I might have diabetes but that showed I was in the normal range.

Since then I seem to be improving the more I introduce complex carbs. But eating deep-fried food or candy seem to bring back short-term memory symptoms and dizziness. I’m scared of what to eat because I don’t know what will make me worse or better. Why do burger buns make me feel better, while candy makes me feel horrible, and fruit is hit or miss? It doesn’t make sense. What’s happening to me?

submitted by /u/throwaway9w8723
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from paleo diet


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