Paleo and Mental Health?

Hello! I just wanted to share my experience during the past 50 days. I began doing Paleo with the purpose of feeling more alive, but instead life just feels more raw. By “more alive” I sought more energy, drive, motivation from eating cleaner. However life just feels more raw. I’m very alert but I’ve become quite sensitive emotionally and my anxiety has been on quite the rollercoaster.

Since I started I’ve lost around 20lb and im very close to reaching my goal weight. Although I’ve lost weight and I physically feel great, my mental health has taken a blow. I’ve been ruminating and find myself to be a bit moody. I think I may have triggered a depressive state. I find myself reflecting on how numb and blindly happy I was before changing my eating habits.

I had an appointment with my PCP and they’ve prescribed me an antidepressant. I separately also decided to start taking an Omega-3 fish oil supplement and a friend suggested doing some strength training. I’ve not been doing much exercise.

Has anyone else here experienced something similar?

submitted by /u/Earl-710
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from paleo diet


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