I need a healthy fat that isn't olive oil or butter

Hey guys, I’ve been using olive oil and recently it’s started to make me dizzy. I know this doesn’t make sense, but when I eat it, even a small amount, I’ll get super dizzy, light headed, and totally when I stand up, like my blood pressure will be 100/55. I couldn’t figure out wtf was going on, but when I stopped eating olive oil, it decreased. I’ve reintroduced it in LITTLE quantities, and the problem is starting again.

I used to put loads of grassfed butter on things, but had to stop this due to cholesterol.

So with my two nicest sources gone, what else can I use? I was thinking avocado oil, but I gleaned like 82% of it is fake.

I don’t want vegetable oil or whatever that kind is that everyone uses still is terrible for you (canola?).

Coconut oil? Why does some taste like nothing and some tastes like coconut?

submitted by /u/howevertheory98968
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from paleo diet https://ift.tt/3p6Xs64


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