Classic paleo/primal books for sale, perfect condition, waaay less $$ than Amazon.

I’ve got a bunch of classic paleo-ish related books in perfect or near perfect condition, and just looking on Amazon (Australia) now these are going for a LOT. These are $30-$70 books to buy new on Amazon right now. If anyone’s interested I’ll sell them for less than half their Amazon price, and can send photos proving perfect condition.

Titles include:

  • Primal Blueprint (Sisson) (Hardcover, current Amazon Au $68.65)

  • Nutrition & Physical Degeneration (Price) (Paperback, Amazon Au $51.55)

  • Guess What Came to Dinner? Parasites and Your Health (Gittleman) (Paperback, Amazon Au $43.20)

  • The Warrior Diet (Hofmekler) (Paperback, Amazon Au $58.24)

  • How to Eat Move, and Be Healthy (Paul Chek) (Paperback, Amazon Au $41.49)

  • Good Calories, Bad Calories (Taubes) (Paperback, Amazon Au $28.25).

  • 40 Days as a City Caveman (Jarosky) (N/A on Amazon).

Chek and Sisson are the only ones I actually read, and are still in faultless condition. The other 4 have been sitting untouched on my bookshelf.

I’ve got other books in perfect nick too if interested, but these are the best ones for this group. For these, that’s around $300 RRP to order on Amazon right now. I’ll send them all out to you for, say, $100. Or we can neg on singles and others.

submitted by /u/Willklevy
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from paleo diet


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