Can I get a critique on my current diet plan?

I don’t necessarily subscribe to any particular “diet”, though I guess what I do eat is most closely aligned with Paleo which is why I’m posting here. I’ve been eating like this for a few months now and my weight has remained constant without my needing to track calories like I have in the past. I’m pretty happy with my weight right now though I wouldn’t mind gaining 5lbs of muscle.

Currently I eat something like:

Breakfast: - 4 or 5 eggs - Usually with like half of an avocado. - Occasionally I’ll eat some ground pork patties or bacon but that’s maybe once every two weeks

Snack: - Not every day, but if I do it’s usually a bowl of full fat greek yogurt with some blueberries, almonds and honey

Lunch: - A pound of ground beef patties, with some cheese on top - Sometimes the other half of that avocado - A piece of fruit. I like to eat guava, apple bananas or pineapple usually

Dinner: - Steak (I prefer ribeye but since it’s pricey it’s not every night. otherwise, it’s sirloin or other cuts). Anywhere from 0.8-1lbs worth - Occasionally either some rice or potatoes - Also occasionally some green vegetable like broccoli or whatever - Another piece of fruit like the ones mentioned above

Everything mentioned is local/grass-fed/pasture raised yadda yadda yadda. When I cook my meats eggs it’s usually in either butter or tallow.

I have the occasional cheat meal where I eat some bad shit (pizza, alcohol, something in a tortilla). That’s maybe once per month tops.

As I mentioned, I would prefer to start adding a little more muscle (I’m at like 10ish% bf right now but could use more bulk esp. in my upper body). I guess the good news is that I feel like I could eat more since what I eat doesn’t leave me completely stuffed or anything.

Should I eat more eggs for breakfast? More cheese/butter? Am I eating too many fruits? Any other tips?

submitted by /u/jonkobonko
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from paleo diet


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