Please allow me this rant.

My first awakening around food began two years ago, when every morning I would wake up so tired I’d have to grit my teeth and try to survive the day. My life was becoming unlivable. On a lark, I tried a 16-hour fast and it absolutely blew my mind. The peaceful clarity with which I woke up the following morning was a way I no longer remembered feeling and it was my first clue that the answer to my chronic fatigue lay somewhere in how I ate.

Since then I continued to do intermittent fasting, got in shape, and went plant-based. I felt better to the degree that I became functional, but the struggle remained and, with the stress of the last two years, got worse.

Until last week, again, on a lark, I dropped all grains, legumes, and sugar, and holy fucking Moses. What a revelation! My energy smoothed out, no post-lunch crash, no brain fog. It’s like I’ve been retarded for the last twenty years and didn’t even know it because feeling like dogshit became my baseline.

And how about the emotional detox, which is probably why I’m writing this post. My childhood was quite traumatic and food was how I numbed out. All my life I considered myself a food addict. Now I’m seeing that what I crave is actually not all food but very specific things. Bread, sugar, starches, legumes, all that good stuff. Hell, even lentils. All the food I’d reach for at two in the morning despite being full and knowing I’m making myself sick, it’s always the things that the paleo diet asks one to drop.

Meanwhile, my oh so voluminous farts from a daily diet of grain and beans are 95% gone. My halitosis is gone. My mind is clean. I feel raw and alive.

And from my newfound overwakeful clarity I think, what the fuck? In Sapiens, Yuval Harari argues that agriculture was a mistake and that human beings actually got domesticated by grain, which, thanks to us, has done quite well. I don’t have the source, but remember reading that wheat acts on our opioid receptors. I’m aware that the advent of agriculture was a multifaceted event in our history, yet I wonder, given how much I’ve been addicted to all things post-agriculture, whether the folks that first pimped farming were addicted as well.

And I wonder how many of us are now walking around like zombies and not even knowing it because for the last ten thousand fucking years it’s all most of us knew.

I don’t have a conclusion for this, but if you also experienced healing of your body and mind by changing how you eat I’d love to read about it, and if you’re wondering whether going paleo will help you live your life more fully, honestly, I don’t know. People are different. But if your gut says it’s something worth giving a shot, I hope my experience will encourage you to try.

Be well!

submitted by /u/shadybreak
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from paleo diet


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