Is this a good diet to start with? I'm considering doing it

I have a brother who is eating based on the Paleo diet for years now and he’s in a good shape. I’m on the other hand 103kg and I’d like to go down towards the 90kg mark…

What he told me he’s doing is this - I’m considering doing the same:


1) 3 cucumbers

2) 1 pepper

3) Sour cream with 15g fat

4) You can have your coffee with an addition of a small amount of sweet cream with high fat.


1) 300-400g of lean meat or fish

2) Vegetables if any - optional


1) 70g of variety of nuts (e.g. walnuts, almonds, pistachios, pecan) - it just has to be 70g, no more.

2) Coffee with an addition of a small amount of sweet cream with high fat.

Once a week and only once a week you can eat a bit more than that (i.e. +carbs, bread etc. but don’t overdo it).

How does this diet sound to you? Shall I give it a try?

submitted by /u/CryptoFan85
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from paleo diet


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