Do you sometimes wonder if you should eat stuff you eat? I'm now questioning every food.

When I look at every food group, or a specific food, I question myself “would I eat it if I was a wild-man?”. “Would I BE ABLE to ‘process’ the food with the same effect?”. “Should I eat this?”. “Am I eating this only because it’s available in the store? Would I eat this if I found it in the wildness?”

And because of that sometimes I feel bad because of the stuff I eat, for example white rice. From these simple thoughts about food and their agricultural production I then switch to thinking about my whole life and existence.
Is paleo really “healthy”? Is it adjusted to our times? How can we know HOW MUCH our genes and bodies have changed during these times, let’s say in the last 10,000 years? How can I make sure, that eating grains and dairy is no better than eating typical paleo foods?
Let’s face it, most people thrive on grains and (in western world) dairy, and it doesn’t look like it does that much damage. Yes, advancing medicine also comes into the play, but it’s not like every 20-30 year old person needs to be put on meds just because he has been eating bread with cheese for the most of his life. Why is that? Why most people don’t get sick from eating bread and dairy? Or we just don’t see it because human body is so good at fighting against the 'wrong nutrients’ (I’m calling it that only from the perspective of the last 10,000 years).

Do you ever wonder about stuff like that? I mean, we can’t even drink water without being dependents on the companies and present technology.
I’ve been waking up with a stomachache everyday because I was eating potatoes. Once I ditched them, and switched them to white rice, the problem is gone. Something that should be worse, actually did me better. That’s just an example.

Sorry for being messy, to be honest I don’t even know what specific question I should ask. I just feel so lost about food and how should the “true” eating look like.

submitted by /u/Bdazzledblue
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from paleo diet


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