I need some suggestions of pre/post workout snacks that won't leave me hypoglycemic

Up to day I was always having a full meal (four fried eggs with either sweet potato or black rice), around 700 calories, but I could only go to the gym about three hours later. I wished to work out earlier in the morning like I did in the past, so I bought pears to pair them with sesame paste for a quick snack. The pear I ate before working out did not give me that boost of energy at all, but neither did it prejudice me, but the pear I ate afterwards made left me with low blood sugar (I know because I can’t stop thinking about food, fatigue, bad mood etc). Actually, I only feel good with non starchy vegetables, even if I have literally a ton of them, but I can’t digest 500 grams of carrots before hitting the gym in due time. What do you guys suggest? The problem with sweet potatoes here is that markets store them in fridges, so all the starch becomes sugar.

Prior to Paleo, I was on Keto weeks ago. Should I just try to rely on fat as energy like I did back them and ditch rice/tubers? Throughout the past weeks I tried a lot of macros, going from 50 g carbs to 400, but I never felt that amount of energy I did prior before going Keto with carbs.

Also, I don’t get why fruits like pears and bananas do me no good now due to fructose, if vegetables (cabbage, carrot, onion, tomato, zucchini etc) also contain some sugar. White rice is made out of air (no substance at all), so I get why it does me no good, but even black rice that has a low GI?

submitted by /u/RazzeeX
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from paleo diet https://ift.tt/3hgaLN7


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