Struggling to make paleo and low histamine work.

In the past year my doctors suspect that I have a histamine intolerance and now need to eat a low histamine diet. I’ve been paleo for roughly 2 years and I’m struggling right now.

For those that don’t know histamines are in most foods but some are higher than others. For me steak is fine, any ground meat is not great but not bad, pork has always been bad for me, fish is case by case and shellfish right now are a no. My biggest issue is the vegetables and fruits that have been the base of my paleo diet are histamine liberators or high in histamines- spinach, tomatoes, green beans (the only legume I ate), cherries, eggplant, mushrooms, avocado, pineapple and cinnamon. I resorted to eating rice again solely because it’s a safe food that gives me no reaction.

Has anyone else dealt with this or have recipes they can share? My body functions the best on paleo, but I can’t live with the pain the high histamine foods cause.

submitted by /u/potato_witch
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from paleo diet


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