How do I know if I am genetically fit for a high fat diet?

Earlier in the summer I learned about the primal/paleo diet and I really liked it. Then I learned about keto and like that less but overall. I prefer both diets and the way I feel to the way I felt on a high carb diet. The 3 books I’ve read on the subject are 2 meals a day, the keto reset diet, and the big fat surprise. All these sources say that a high fat diet is healthy for most people unless they have a rare genetic disorder in which triglycerides are actually higher on a high fat diet than a high carb diet.

None of these sources seem to go into detail about what this disorder is or how to know if you have it.

I would like to continue a primal diet but I worry my body/genetics are incompatible in this way and am not sure how to be certain I don’t fall into this category.

submitted by /u/gotziller
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from paleo diet


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