Weird question, but how can I eat less meat while still generally following a paleo diet?

I know this is the kind of the opposite of what this sub is all about, but maybe someone has some ideas.

I don’t eat legumes or grains, except white rice and corn tortillas sometimes. I do eat cheese, but know I’d be better off without it. I eat a lot of greens and vegetables like broccoli and Brussels sprouts and baby carrots. I’ve never really liked mushrooms but I’m willing to give them a chance if I could learn a good way to cook them/enjoy them. Oh and I eat pasture raised eggs every morning. And it’s probably important to mention I don’t like fish or seafood.

I feel like I eat chicken all the damn time and I don’t need to. I eat beef 1-2 times a week and pork occasionally. I just want to eat less, but not be hungry.

I don’t eat the meat substitutes like impossible burger meat or veggie burgers because they’re usually legume and grain based and sometimes the first ingredient is a terrible vegetable oil like soybean oil. I don’t want to start eating soy, though I’d be willing to eat tempeh if I could find it in stores and make it taste good.

I know that sprouting grains and legume before consuming them improves their nutrition. I made sprouted lentil soup once and did not enjoy the texture, but willing to try other things in that area.

I also want to not be fully consumed by thinking about my diet and planning elaborate meals. I just want it to be relatively easy and not time super time consuming or labor intensive. When I switched to a paleo type whole 30 style diet, I’d read a lot about it and still agree that nutritionally, this makes sense for me. Other people choose veganism and that’s great, I just never see myself doing that. Vegetarian maybe eventually.

Anyway, I want to consume less meat and contribute less to factory farming. Finding good sources of meat is a difficult/endeavor around here.

Has anyone felt similarly and backed off meat at all? What do you eat instead? I’m just looking for some ideas. Not to debate diet philosophies or anything.

submitted by /u/Comprehensive-Fun47
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from paleo diet


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