putting on weight

Hey All, I’m looking for suggestions on what can be done in a healthy way to put on weight. Ive always been a skinny dude (60ish kg), i can basically eat large amounts of food for months on end and never put on weight, it actually sucks. i went mostly paleo for digestive issues a few years back (cant do beans,legumes, grains, dairy etc). and i do like my energy levels and mental health more since eating well. Anyway i dont exercise heaps (Pilates 2 times a week and maybe 1x 8k hike). anyway below is one day of eating habits for example-

breakfast 9am - chopped kale, celery, apple, lemon, Carrot, goji berries, protein powder, cricket powder, collagen, avo, olive oil. decaf coffee +coconut milk

lunch 1pm ish - root vegetables and protein (chicken or fish or cow or pig or roo)

dinner 7 pm ish - slaw & broccolini (coconut oil) + collagen, salmon, gf garlic bread.

im actually mostly still hungry after dinner most nights unless i have a large steak and lots of sweet potato.

snacks - yesterday was kale chips and some frozen roasted sweet potato, seaweed, protein bar (paleo one).

i went on a holiday recently and are processed shit food for 11 days as i was living out of a campvan with no fridges (was at a festival) and didn’t put on any weight. no Matter how much i eat i cant put on weight (even if i eat stupid high amount of food past the “im full point” which i tried once.). i want to do fasting sometimes for health benefits but cant because of my weight is too low.

TLDR - what can i do to put on weight while also being healthy?

submitted by /u/psyberwolf1100
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from paleo diet https://ift.tt/3yWMJgy


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