New for me Beef and Vegetables recipe

Yesterday I was too tired to cook anything complex so just made this recipe up as I went. It turned out really tasty. Husband and I had it for last night’s dinner and today’s lunch. So it makes 4 servings.

Sirloin strips - 1 lb Red Onion - 1 Red bell pepper - 1 Zucchini - 2 Mushrooms - 2 cups Coconut Aminos - 1 tablespoon Olive Oil - 1 tablespoon divided Maple Syrup - to taste ( optional) Celery Salt - ¼ teaspoon Salt and pepper to taste

Chop all veggies into bite sized pieces .

In a cast iron skillet, heat half the olive oil and put all the veggies together. Add the coconut aminos, celery Salt, salt,pepper and maple syrup. Mix well, cover and cook until veggies are tender. Uncover and cook on high until the water evoperates. Remove the veggies to the serving bowl.

In the same skillet add rest of the oil and saute the beef with salt and pepper until cooked .

Serve beef and veggies together . Enjoy!

submitted by /u/legaladvicemagsub
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from paleo diet


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