Is paleo a low-carb diet?

From what I understand, paleo diet means eating what the caveman ate. But sometimes all what the caveman ate were fruits and vegetables. The fact that a caveman would eat meat if he found it, doesn’t mean he was eating it everyday, because he might not find it in days or months. So all those percentages of how match carbs, fat, proteins that should be eaten in a paleo diet on a daily basis don’t make any sense to me. Because in the paleolithic era, there were no supermarkets where the caveman would choose what he would like to eat that day.

This makes me question whether the paleo diet is necessarily a low-carb diet. Or it’s just a diet where you’re allowed to eat the food that was available 10.000 yrs ago, even if that food is mainly fruits and vegetables.

Note: I’m not vegan, and I like meat, and I eat it everyday. The question is just about whether paleo has to be a low carb diet.

submitted by /u/Curious–Reader
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from paleo diet


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