Can change in diet help me?

I’m a 28 year old male, I lived a pretty unhealthy lifestyle my entire life. Ate processed foods, tons of sugars, and fast food. I also did a ton of drugs (not proud of it). I never really dealt with any digestive issues until a little over a year ago when I ate a 14 million scovile units peanut as a “challenge”. I ended up at the doctor with ulcers and a stomach hernia. Ever since then my stomach hasn’t really been the same, I managed to heal the ulcers but I still get weird sensations. To be honest it’s a lot better now, it’s very mild and according to my doctor it’s most likely IBS. I also been dealing with a lot of anxiety, and depression over the years.

I really want to just start fresh, and start taking care of my body and mind. I have been Xanax daily for the last 4 months, I tried to quit cold turkey but 2 days in the withdrawals were so bad I had no choice but to get back on it. I could of resisted and rolled through it but the chances of having a seizure were high. So I am currently taking 2,5 MG per day. Prior to quitting I was on 3,5MG. I have no choice but to slowly taper down.

I just started reading the GAPS book and I’m Half way through and I really want to start the diet but I know that the Xanax messes with the gut flora and pretty much every cell in the body. Should I wait a couple of weeks and fully get off the Xanax before starting the diet, or the diet can actually help me get off the Xanax?

Will it also help with the anxiety, and depression? Also inflammation? I noticed that I easily get tendinitis in my joints. Maybe my insides are also inflamed, who knows? I sent out a sample to get my gut biome tested, but I won’t get the results for a month or so.

Thank you for your help.

I forgot to add, I also get this weird head tremor when I’m in an uncomfortable situation. It comes and goes, I went to a neurologist and he did a couple tests on me and told me that it’s from anxiety. Can anyone relate?

submitted by /u/shkevi
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from paleo diet


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