Meat quality

Has anyone noticed a difference in the quality of the meat they purchase? I like to buy raw meat and cook it myself, usually with little to no additional processing. I have found that I just can’t stomach a lot of poultry unless I buy from higher-quality sources. I tried, because I don’t have that kind of income, but I just can’t eat it. It upsets my stomach and smells bad to me. So I buy upper-end, “organic” or expensive small farm chicken… or no chicken.
For a while I felt like I was being overly sensitive… has anyone else noticed this? It really put me off from having poultry in my diet for a long, long time. I have a similar thing with eggs too. I grew up with chickens and for whatever reason the smell of poor quality chicken products makes me feel sick; maybe it’s because I attuned somehow to the free-range chicken smell? My doctor thinks I’m being overly dramatic or OCD but I almost wonder if I’m sensitive to some aspect or product used in cheap bulk farming of poultry. Doesn’t happen to me with beef/pork. I need higher protein in my diet and I get tired of tuna. I don’t really like to support animal farming anymore anyway, but it’s hard to get desirable amounts of animal protein since plant protein is hard for me to digest it seems.

submitted by /u/Corvacayne
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from paleo diet


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