Im having trouble getting ripped. Would paleo help?

Its been 4-5 months and my physique still sucks. I think Im either eating too much carbs, too much processed food, or not enough protein.

See, I have been gradually decreasing my calories every month while still training.

Not gonna lie, i have a sweet tooth. I eat candy in small amounts here and there. Sometimes ill eat some snack chips. I have a cheat meal once a week.

I’m 6'2. 200 pounds. I’ve tried a lot of different things lately on trying to get ripped. I’ve cut calories dramatically, and it’s been about 4 months. I have lost some body fat, but my body still looks like shit TBH. I have no muscularity or definition. My body is still “soft.”

I do have cheat meals once a weak. I do eat basically, carbs, and sometimes processed food. So I can attribute some of it to that. But the “main” part of my diet comes around to .. Sample of my diet:

Fruit smoothie / acai bowl in morning. Light protein bar Potatoes / Beef / Meat. Total Calories: 1500. For a 6'2 - 200 pound guy, 1500 calories is way too little. (I understand.) - But it was a gradual decrease. I was cutting little by little. To be honest, in this entire time, I probably lost equal amounts of muscle or fat. My physique kinda looks like I’m retaining water.

I know it’s the carbs / procesed food in my diet, (I think) - I know I’m not eating enough lean meat. My diet is really 100% clean. I’m trying to clean it up.

On top of that, to be honest, with such a low defecit, and the content of my calories, I do feel like shit a lot. Low energy, weak.

At least if I had the ripped physique I Could say it’s for a reason.

I need to clean up my diet. Im wondering if I should eliminate rice / breads .. or just keep the diet clean. Advice?

But I have not developed any vascularity or “ripped” ness at all in the past 4-5 months. Would paleo help with that? thanks.

submitted by /u/JoeBidensBalls
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from paleo diet


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