Acne came back. What do I do?

Long story short I was having terrible acne breakouts in November. Did some research and saw a lot of scientific research and anecdotes with paleo and tried it.

My acne cleared pretty well, to where I was 100% confident. I only got a pimple a week maybe.

Then in march I went to the tanning bed. I went nearly twice a week and it made me look good, until mid April I started breaking out horribly, even eating strict paleo.

I stopped tanning since and have tried Keto, even did carnivore for 8 weeks and 0 luck.

What should I do? This is probably not the place to ask and I couldn’t find anything on if tanning beds can cause breakouts like that, but I figured if they did it would have went away by now.

submitted by /u/RawOat
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from paleo diet


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