Do you work an office job? How do you incorporate "play" as exercise?

Mark Sisson insists that play is an essential part of a primal lifestyle, and lots of other paleo influencers have said similar things. Exercise should be FUN. It shouldn’t be something have to motivate yourself to do.

I’ll admit that I have some post-honeymoon blues. My husband and I went to Hawaii for two weeks and I got at least an hour (thanks Fitbit) of high heart rate activity daily without even thinking about it. Swimming in the ocean. Surfing. Hiking. Frisbee. The list goes on.

I think, for the first time since I was a kid, I really understand play as an adult. I had no workouts, but I did have days out.

Of course, I, like most people, can’t afford to be on vacation all the time. I’m back at my office job locked inside all day and four hours away from the nearest beach. Humans are definitely not meant to live in cubicles.

I’m eyeing my prior running and lifting schedule and seeing them as chores. Not paleo at all. Definitely not motivational. Lifting isn’t even outside.

How the heck do you guys get playtime in daily? What do you do for yourself? Or are you more of a weekend warrior (at least we have day trips to go hiking?).

submitted by /u/savorymonk
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from paleo diet


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