Confusion / excess of information regarding some nutrition concepts and controversies, could you please help me clarify my doubts? I am sorry if some of these questions are not suitable for this subreddit, nutrition ones seemed not that well disposed to help..

  1. How many calories should a snack have? Regarding its macronutrient composition; some advise fiber and protein and others advise fat and protein; what is the right thing to do?
  2. With what type of physical exercise can fat oxidation be achieved?
  3. What is more “stressful” for the body; alternating between periods of eating and fasting (intermittent fasting - time restricted eating) or the constant increase in blood glucose due to frequent food intakes during the day ?
  4. Carbohydrates, proteins, fats and fibers; Could you please sort them according to level of satiety and how fast they rise glucose level? What about macros slowing down sugar absorption?
  5. Sometimes, spacing meals out gets complicated; specially during unplanned social events / gatherings / friends? Is it really that bad not to wait 3 hours between meal ( assuming one eats healthy and respects total daily calories? ) From time to time I have to break this structure and eat for example every two hours and I feel a little guilty!
    Thanks in advance
submitted by /u/Verzweiflungforscher
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from paleo diet


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