[Blogspam] Paleo Democracy — Let's build the perfect Paleo app from scratch

Hey everyone! Hope this doesn’t go against the rules (technically I have nothing to promote yet), but I’d like to invite anyone interested to participate in our little democratic experiment.

We are going to create an app focused around Paleo diet and any healthy habits that go along with it. But the twist is we want you to design the app! That’s right, we want to give you a blank space where you can propose any ideas, talk about what would be ideal to have with you in your pocket, and then vote for the best features.

We will follow the will of the community and build exactly what’s needed. Then we’ll all play with the v1.0, see how well it goes and vote for changes that will go in v1.1, and so on.

I have no idea what it turns into, and can promise nothing here, but this would sure be fun. If you like the concept — join the Discord server today to be in the loop: https://discord.gg/49XFPpgw. And let me know if you have any thoughts on how to make it even better. Thanks!

About us: we are a team of digital product designers and developers that have built apps installed on millions of devices and actively used by 100,000+ people every day. In other words, we know what we’re doing. The novel part for us would be to try and let you steer the ship.

submitted by /u/0xorbx2
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from paleo diet https://ift.tt/32ToFx7


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