[Mod Approved] Research study on food restriction by primary caregiver(s) during childhood. Population: female adults with a BMI≥25.

Did you experience restriction of your food consumption by your primary caregiver(s) during childhood? Are you a female with an elevated body mass index (BMI)? If this applies to you, please consider participating in a research study. The aim of this study is to gain insight on female adults’ experiences of food restriction during childhood. By participating in this study, you will be able to share your childhood eating experiences with a doctoral student in clinical psychology through a one-on-one interview via online video conferencing. Monetary compensation of $20 is provided for those who participate in the interview. If you live in the United States, experienced food restriction during childhood, have a BMI in the overweight or obese range, and are interested in participating in this study, please email rredond@bgsu.edu for more information about this study.

submitted by /u/rachelredondo_bgsu
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