Eating pattern / guilt over eating without being hunry

What is in your opinion the best eating pattern in order to have a healthy relationship with food and results to maintain over time? Throughout my life I have tried many different food protocols: eating 6 times a day, eating 3 times a day .. I have been doing intermittent fasting for quite some time. I’m not really hungry during the day and two meals are enough for me; the problem is sometimes that when I break the fast I do not feel satisfied, I am not hungry but I am not feel full! Of course I watch both my macros and total daily calories intake; I think this is the most decisive when it comes to maintaining weight. Sometimes i feel guilt when it comes to social eating. I think eating without hunger (and too soon) is a mistake and IF regime makes it kinda hard to stick with. I frequently ask myself wether meal timing is best than window eating!
Thanks for reading!

submitted by /u/Verzweiflungforscher
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from paleo diet


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