
Showing posts from February, 2021

Are there any paleo Lauryn Hill fans?

As far as I’m aware, she’s not paleo (and neither am I), but I’m just curious. I’m not a real big fan of her music personally, but I know a lot of other people do so I was wondering. submitted by /u/trinitymonkey [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

[Article] Some good paleo protein powder recommendations

submitted by /u/tangtszchiu [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Dietary supplement taken under Paleo Diet

submitted by /u/kumarvrishen [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Do You Want To Start Paleo?

Do You Want To Start Paleo?: Learn how to start in this excellent free guide! Click the link to... from Paleo Diet Guide via IFTTT

Pressure Cooker Beef Pho Recipe

Pressure Cooker Beef Pho Recipe from Paleo Diet Guide via IFTTT

Studies since 2004 have shown that ketogenic foods can lower weight, BMI, waist circumference, blood glucose, cholesterol, and blood pressure. Good thing is, also known as a ketogenic diet, Dr. Marilyn Metrit's Smart Blood Sugar second edition guarantees many benefits beyond that.

submitted by /u/Healthtipsite [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

A Paleo Standby - Thai Larb w/ cassava rice.

submitted by /u/beestingers [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Weekly Link Love — Edition 119

Weekly Link Love — Edition 119 from Paleo Diet Guide via IFTTT

Easy Paleo blueberry banana pancakes, nut free and have a soft texture.

submitted by /u/PinchOfCooking [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Are You Looking For The BEST Paleo Recipes?

Are You Looking For The BEST Paleo Recipes?: Get cooking, good looking! Top Paleo cookbooks... from Paleo Diet Guide via IFTTT

Do You Want To Start Paleo?

Do You Want To Start Paleo?: Learn how to start in this excellent free guide! Click the link to... from Paleo Diet Guide via IFTTT

Ask a Health Coach: Stress Eating, Sabotagers, and Why There’s...

Ask a Health Coach: Stress Eating, Sabotagers, and Why There’s No Wagon to Fall Off Of from Paleo Diet Guide via IFTTT

Study on the role diet plays in personal relationships looking for participants

​ submitted by /u/cerebralflux3456 [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

How I’d Change Higher Education

How I’d Change Higher Education from Paleo Diet Guide via IFTTT

Can I have a few servings of kidney beans per week, provided I’ve effectively removed wheat, oats, rice, lentils, soy, all sugar etc.? What about cheese such as parmigiano? I genuinely love both and find it hard to give up on either, yet at the same time fear jeopardising my Paleo road to recovery.

submitted by /u/thewanderingasian99 [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Surf and Turf Night

submitted by /u/westwarrior11 [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Paleo Beef Enchiladas

submitted by /u/bob-the-cook [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Orthorexia: Where to Draw the Line Between Healthy Eating and...

Orthorexia: Where to Draw the Line Between Healthy Eating and Obsession? from Paleo Diet Guide via IFTTT

Food order from restaurant near you.

submitted by /u/restaurant20 [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Do You Want To Start Paleo?

Do You Want To Start Paleo?: Learn how to start in this excellent free guide! Click the link to... from Paleo Diet Guide via IFTTT

Are You Looking For The BEST Paleo Recipes?

Are You Looking For The BEST Paleo Recipes?: Get cooking, good looking! Top Paleo cookbooks... from Paleo Diet Guide via IFTTT

That Tortilla Hack You Saw on TikTok (Savory and Sweet Options!)...

That Tortilla Hack You Saw on TikTok (Savory and Sweet Options!) from Paleo Diet Guide via IFTTT

Too much almonds?

I’ve been wondering recently after getting bad headaches after running track if a possible cause could be over consumption of almond products. At the beginning of the week, I make almond milk from whole almonds for smoothies. A byproduct is almond meal, I use this almond meal (around 3 cups) to make banana bread. I add almond butter to both the banana bread and in smoothies. I go through around a pound of almond butter per week, or one of the smaller containers. Could this be a cause of headaches, or separate health ailments? submitted by /u/Jack120Red [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

High fat diet

Hey guys! Any good books that talk about the benefits of a higher fat diet? I’ve been tracking my macros and I get nervous about 40-50% of my calories being from fat- mostly meat, eggs, avocados, olive oil and, cheese. I’ve heard the mainstream anti-high fat side of it of course, and I’m essentially afraid of clogging my arteries and having a heart attack. I’ve started listening to pro paleo people talk about why a higher fat diet is beneficial (satiation, etc), but I’d love to dive into the science behind high fat theory and try to match my diet to it. Thanks! Also googling, but I thought I might find some gems here. submitted by /u/rachitabonita [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Tex Mex Cauli Rice Casserole

submitted by /u/Minty0507 [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Gainz powder aka protein powder

Hey guys, I’m looking for a protein powder that is paleo. I’ve found some vegan ones that have no dairy obviously, but there’s always a pea or rice protein involved and that is no bueno for me. I thought about using collagen powder but I THINK that would be more expensive and I’m not sure if that would be a good choice. Thanks in advance! submitted by /u/AntasandMe [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Need some help making paleo breakfast bars.

I’ve been thinking about making some paleo breakfast bars for a while. My goal is to make a no-mess (from cooking), little-waste breakfast that’s quick; something like a clif bar. I’m a big fan of paleo oatmeal (coconut flakes, almond flour, some form of milk, cinnamon, walnut chunks, and berries), and I’d like to somehow make it into a bar. The only problem is, I don’t know how to combine all the ingredients into some type of bar. I was thinking about using almond butter and then baking, but I’m not sure. Any thoughts? submitted by /u/BlueComms [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Sunday morning breakfast! Sweet potato hash with bacon and kale :)

submitted by /u/ladyem8 [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Paleo challenge

submitted by /u/emmabrown-95 [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Start the 21-day paleo challenge

submitted by /u/emmabrown-95 [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

This is such an amazing way to loose weight it worked for me tremendously it’s basically diet meals

submitted by /u/Level-Car-3813 [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

For those of you who went from carnivore to paleo, what foods do you avoid?

submitted by /u/ShineMagical [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Paleo Chicken Caesar Salad

submitted by /u/amcgillicuddy [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Ginger Turmeric Chicken Soup Recipe

Ginger Turmeric Chicken Soup Recipe from Paleo Diet Guide via IFTTT

Is there any evidence paleo helps with chronic fatigue?

Reason is I have chronic fatigue due to my medications and I want to counteract it. Will paleo help with that? Could you please cite your source? submitted by /u/notburneddown [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

What foods should I buy for paleo?

So if I want to start the paleo diet, how do I do that? Like what foods do I buy? It’s hard to find a solid list. Also, how do you cope with not being able to eat restaurant food? Is it difficult to go 100% paleo 100% of the time? Thanks by the way. submitted by /u/notburneddown [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Lamb korma with riced cauliflower

submitted by /u/HerculesMulligatawny [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Fettuccine chicken Alfredo (no dairy, no grains). I love Whole Foods.

submitted by /u/schnauzersisters [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Do You Want To Start Paleo?

Do You Want To Start Paleo?: Learn how to start in this excellent free guide! Click the link to... from Paleo Diet Guide via IFTTT

Weekly Link Love — Edition 118

Weekly Link Love — Edition 118 from Paleo Diet Guide via IFTTT

[other] Western Diseases - Their Emergence and Prevention

Western Diseases - Their Emergence and Preventionhttps:// Western Diseases - Their Emergence and Prevention Edited by H. C. Trowell & D. P. Burkitt ISBN 9780674950207 Publication Date: 08/03/1981 About This Book In this major synthesis of cross-cultural research, 34 distinguished scientists study 25 common metabolic and degenerative diseases characteristic of all advanced Western nations and then examine their incidence in developing countries, among both hunter-gatherers and peasant agriculturalists. Thus the authors provide a unique opportunity to compare epidemiological data reflecting modern modes of life with data influenced by habits and diets dating back 400 generations to the advent of agriculture, and even 200,000 generations or more to the dawn of man. The results confirm the view that diseases like hypertension, lung cancer, diverticular disease, and appendicitis are maladaptations to environmental factors intr...

The Curse of Being a High Achiever

The Curse of Being a High Achiever from Paleo Diet Guide via IFTTT

Where do you guys get potassium from?

submitted by /u/pepperoni93 [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Brown Sugar Glazed Ham

submitted by /u/thatown2 [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

New to paleo, are these ingredients compliant?

submitted by /u/vgoogs [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Organ Meat

Hi guys, I’ve been on paleo for a while. Eating the typical stuff that most of you probably eat however, I found out that organ meats are actually really good for you and beneficial while on paleo. Do any of you guys eat organ meat. If so, do you eat it alone or as an ingredient to a bigger meal? submitted by /u/Bostonian2021 [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Are You Looking For The BEST Paleo Recipes?

Are You Looking For The BEST Paleo Recipes?: Get cooking, good looking! Top Paleo cookbooks... from Paleo Diet Guide via IFTTT

Do You Want To Start Paleo?

Do You Want To Start Paleo?: Learn how to start in this excellent free guide! Click the link to... from Paleo Diet Guide via IFTTT

How to Manage Unproductive Anger

How to Manage Unproductive Anger from Paleo Diet Guide via IFTTT

Dear Mark: Keto and Selenium Deficiencies – Something to Fear?...

Dear Mark: Keto and Selenium Deficiencies – Something to Fear? from Paleo Diet Guide via IFTTT

DIY Parallettes: Plus a Dip Bar Workout

DIY Parallettes: Plus a Dip Bar Workout from Paleo Diet Guide via IFTTT

6 Chocolate Recipes to Share with the Ones You Love...

6 Chocolate Recipes to Share with the Ones You Love from Paleo Diet Guide via IFTTT

Weekly Link Love — Edition 117

Weekly Link Love — Edition 117 from Paleo Diet Guide via IFTTT

Ask a Health Coach: Quick Breakfasts, Cravings, and Breaking...

Ask a Health Coach: Quick Breakfasts, Cravings, and Breaking Down the Food Pyramid from Paleo Diet Guide via IFTTT

Is there a great free printable shopping list out there?

I’m looking to start Paleo (for the second time, though the first time was when I was younger and didn’t have much will power), and I’m going to need to buy some ingredients to cook with. It’d make my life a lot easier to have a checklist or shopping list of things to buy. I know things like that exist for a lot of other diets, but do you guys have any Paleo ones? While you’re at it, any resources or websites would be very much appreciated! submitted by /u/mwthecool [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Robb Wolf on AdapNation Podcast #157: Challenging the Globalist Food Agenda

submitted by /u/spearmint09 [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

I guess for fun we’re posting ridiculous opinionated articles that incorrectly discuss The Paleo diet...

submitted by /u/omgyoucunt [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

“Just How 'Paleo' Was the Paleo Diet?” from “Man’s World” — Why your ancestors ate bread, carbs, grains, rice, and honey.

submitted by /u/zachdit [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Do you stick to grass-fed meat?

I’m dipping my toe in with paleo after reading an interesting book (the awakened ape) touting its benefits. I understand the benefits of grass-fed meat, however my question is do you guys stick to this element or do you inevitably resort to supermarket-bought meat as it’s more readily available/easier to obtain? Just wondering what the consensus is. I’m wondering where the best places to source grass-fed meat would be? (In the UK). What do you do in terms of sourcing and eating meat when following the paleo lifestyle? submitted by /u/OsloDribbler [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Mark Sisson's Primal Blueprint Carb Recommendation: 150g per day: Net or Total?

As the title suggests, I’m wondering what Mark Sisson means when he says you should aim for 100-150 carbs per day. Does he mean total or net? submitted by /u/Unisykolist [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Ketogenic diets inhibit mitochondrial biogenesis and induce cardiac fibrosis (Feb 2021)

submitted by /u/HHWKUL [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Health Benefits Of Paleo Diet

Paleo Diet is a very good diet in itself which eliminates stress from our mind. Reduces weight, accelerates mantle sharpness and produces positive energy in us And it has a lot of health benefits. submitted by /u/e-healthonline [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

High Protein Fat Loss Meal (Less Than 5 Min Prep Time)

submitted by /u/gym_performance [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

An interview with dietician Brian Sanders about the Sapien diet framework

submitted by /u/awfullyirish [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Paleo Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins [recipe]

submitted by /u/bob-the-cook [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Homemade Paleo Whole Roasted Lemon & Herb Chicken. Recipe link in comments🍗

submitted by /u/dwightUignorantsl-t [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Need help with Paleo recipes for a new mom

Hi all! I’m struggling and I hope you guys can help. My friend had a baby recently and I wanted to try to make some food for her and her husband. They’re both doing the Paleo diet, and I’m not familiar with it at all. I wanted to check and see if you guys had any good recipes you’ve tried that can be portioned out and frozen. I tried a butternut squash and apple bisque I found online but it was kind of meh and really thin ( I think I put in too much coconut milk, or maybe the water in the coconut milk shouldn’t have been added at all? I really don’t know anything about this, but I’m trying, haha.). ​ I’d like to make some more stuff to help her out and make her life easier, maybe even a small dessert. Her baby is in the NICU, so I don’t want to be bothering her all the time and asking for recipe ideas or how to cook things. I’m so grateful for any ideas you guys might have! submitted by /u/Kimber85 [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Paleo Blondies!

submitted by /u/omgyoucunt [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

FASTEST WAY TO ABS: Short 3 Step Guide

Introduction The trick to lose weight, in my humble opinion, has a lot to do with carefully picking what you’re eating and keeping track of your calories and macronutrients . It takes a bit of effort to understand the logic behind it but one thing I’m sure of is that, once grasped, it works 100% . 1. Calories Deficit To start with, we must highlight the fact that in order to lose weight, be it belly fat, double chin, fats in your legs, whatever - they all have the same molecular structure: adipose tissue - there must be a caloric deficit of 500 calories maximum . If you go beyond that, you would start feeling less energetic and have some undesirable unintended effects. The science behind this is that your body has a Basal Metabolic Rate (i.e how many calories it needs to be optimally functioning and going) that is determined by how heavy you are, male or female, tall, old, and active at day - to - day basis. Under the right conditions (more on this later), if you give your body 5...

3 P’s Explanation Of Diabetes

submitted by /u/BethaneyCarter [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

So Loren Cordain is saying canned sardines are bad for you, but every other paleo website and common knowledge says they're great for you. What do you all think of this article?

submitted by /u/MediumFiggy [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Myrtaceae pollen morphology study from Bass Strait islands, Australia, is effective in separating region-specific fossil Myrtaceae pollen types

submitted by /u/matiuadex [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

How often can I eat chicken liver?

Hi all, I was just wondering how often I can eat chicken livers, what with the fat soluble vitamins (especially A) being an issue. I’ve seen people say once or twice a week is definitely safe — though what about something like every other day or every day, one or two livers? I’ve seen some mention of people eating “frozen liver pills” made from beef liver everyday, but I don’t know how that would stack against the chicken liver. The beef liver has higher vitamin A than the chicken liver, for instance, but said “pills” are just tiny portions of the whole liver and I guess possibly then lower than a whole chicken liver? Any insight is appreciated. submitted by /u/ViscountVixen [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

How do you deal with eating socially on paleo?

Like at someone else’s house submitted by /u/LuckStrict6000 [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Mental health and Paleo

So I’ve been having some trouble with my health for a long time now. I never could pinpoint what exactly is making me feel sick all the time, but I think I have a theory. Side note: If you live in America, you know how the Healthcare system is here - so don’t come for me because I haven’t had official tests done. Everytime I would eat dairy, I would feel nauseous. The same thing would happen with anything that had gluten in it. I dont know why it took me years to put two and two together, but I’m pretty sure I have a gluten and dairy sensitivity. I have all the symptoms. And my mental health has been absolute shit lately and I’ve been doing everything I can to try to get better - but nothing is working. I read somewhere that food sensitivities can actually cause mental health issues. I didnt eat any gluten or dairy today and I am already starting to feel a bit better. Two days ago, I had two huge bowls of cereal and had a mental breakdown and couldn’t sleep all night, then felt lik...

Are You Looking For The BEST Paleo Recipes?

Are You Looking For The BEST Paleo Recipes?: Get cooking, good looking! Top Paleo cookbooks... from Paleo Diet Guide via IFTTT

Do You Want To Start Paleo?

Do You Want To Start Paleo?: Learn how to start in this excellent free guide! Click the link to... from Paleo Diet Guide via IFTTT

Paleo Baked Spanish Tortilla (GF)

submitted by /u/bob-the-cook [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

[Question] Struggling with reaching my goal of 2500 cal/day but feeling full all day. Any paleo friendly foods/snacks suggestions to help reach calorie goals?

I recently started doing paleo. I am trying to gain weight but want to do it in a clean(er) way, hence I decided to stick to paleo. Based on my calculations, I am trying to start off with 2500 calories per day. However I am really struggling to get even anywhere close to that. I track my meals on myftinesspal. Just to show an example, here is my meals for today: Breakfast: 3 boiled eggs with shredded lettuce and half an avocado Post-workout: 1 scoop gold standard whey with water (I know this is not strictly paleo but please bear with me) Lunch: Half of a whole grilled chicken with a small salad bowl (lettuce + cucumbers + carrots in lemon juice) Snacks: Half a cup blueberries + 2-3 strawberries + 10-12 nuts (almonds + cashews) Dinner: 200g Salmon Filet with Brocolli Combining all of these, I’m almost at 1500 calories for the day. But I felt pretty much full after every single one of these meals and I thought I would have eaten close to my goal, but looks like I’m way short. Are...

Avocado Toast - Dave's killer bread, good seed, sprouts, sauteed spinach, over easy egg, jalapeno

submitted by /u/nykein [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Keto Drinks At Starbucks

submitted by /u/BethaneyCarter [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Preparing Paleo meals isn’t the hard part, it’s the consistency and discipline that are challenging.

submitted by /u/SetTheTon3 [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

Discord server dedicated to intellectual discussion

Hi, I help to run a discord server dedicated to intellectual discussion called Classical Thinkers. There you’ll find people who are interested in a wide variety of topics from psychology and philosophy to computer science and mathematics. If you enjoy speaking about such things, we’d love to have you be a part of the community! Link: submitted by /u/HonourableLautrec [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT

European Origin?

submitted by /u/thiagoracca [link] [comments] from paleo diet via IFTTT