To everyone who suffers from neck or back pain.. read this.

Just wanted to share my experience in managing chronic neck and back pain for close to 20 years now. I’ve tried almost every solution you can think of – orthopedics, chiropractic, physiotherapists, massage sessions, yoga etc. but nothing ever seemed to work. I was desperate for a solution when a good friend recommended me these two products (am not affiliated to them in any way, just wanted to put it out there to help a fellow reddit friend) – The first solution is a massage mat which derives its origins from an ancient Indian healing method which dates back to 5,000 years ago ( Simply by laying on this mat for 20 mins a day, you’ll be in a deep state of relaxation, and this really helps to relieve any aches or pain from your neck, shoulder – all the way to your upper and lower back.

The second item that really helped me with my condition – in particular my degenerative disks in the cervical region – is this neck traction device ( which helps to relief pain by gently stretching your neck and spine.

Hopefully this changes someone’s life the way it did for mine :’) Cheers, and feel free to reach out to me if you need any other tips!

submitted by /u/skyultima
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from paleo diet


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