how the breakdown of chewing gum works

Hello - I was hoping someone could explain to how chemicals from gum get released into your body?

Ive done paleo for two years in the past and am getting back on it, one of the things that helps my cravings is chewing gum(if anyone else has any suggestions to curb craving lmk).

I know gum isnt paleo and im trying to find a way to incorporate it but not if it destroys how my body reacts to the chemicals.

1 is there a paleo gum or a good brand to get for beling paleo?

2 how does it breakdown into your body if youre not swallowing it but only chewing.? Do the chemicals absorb by your saliva trigger neurons in your brain or something like that? Any information is greatly appreciated.



submitted by /u/GymLeaderKai
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from paleo diet


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