[Discussion] Keto on winter, moderate-high carb on summer, and low carb on spring/autumn. What is the name for this kind of paleo that follows natures' schedule?

I’m pretty new so forgive my ignorance.

I’ve been on keto for 1 year but I don’t like the lack of variety.

I still want keto but not whole year round so I figured I’d follow natures’ schedule. But I don’t know what it’s called so I can’t find much information/diet plan/support group via google.

I have seen a random post saying that keto should be in summer and high carb on winter. The logic is that high carb foods last longer. Low carb food should be eaten immediately once harvested on summer/autumn since they spoil faster and stock-up high carb in preparation for winter.

submitted by /u/justausedtowel
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from paleo diet https://ift.tt/3sLM13i


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