A look at professional CrossFit athlete Mat Fraser's daily training routine & diet: "I’m not trying to break a four-minute mile. I’m not trying to squat 800 pounds. I’m trying to run a five-minute mile and squat 500 pounds."

Fraser’s daily routine begins when he wakes up between 7.30-8.30am, after getting his required 9 to 10 hours of sleep. His fiancee, Sammy, who prepares all his meals, has breakfast and coffee waiting for him. “I’m having coffee and food within two minutes of being awake—your classic three-part breakfast of bacon, eggs, and oatmeal,” he told GQ in a 2018 profile.

When it comes to his nutrition, Fraser likes to keep it simple. With Sammy cooking and preparing his meals, Fraser’s primary focus is just to avoid junk food and stick mainly to rice, meat, vegetables and fruit. During the Crossfit Games training season, Fraser can consume up to 7,000 calories per day.

“Right after a competition, when I take my off season and I’m not training at all, I’m eating maybe one or two meals a day,” he told weightlifting website BarBend. “Then when I start ramping back up, I’m only training once a day, so I’m probably hitting three or four thousand calories. And when I’m in full swing, my only purpose in the day is I wake up and everything is directed toward training, that’s when the calories increase to six or seven thousand calories.”

After dropping the pints of ice cream and half dozen donuts, which made regular appearances in his diet during the early days, Fraser is able to avoid the rollercoaster of sugar highs and energy dips throughout his diet, leading to a more consistent training routine.

By 9.30am, he’s at his Crossfit gym working through conditioning, weightlifting, strength training and metabolic conditioning until 1pm, when he heads home for lunch. After eating, he’ll hang around for a couple of hours before heading back to the gym for an afternoon session.

Fraser described his training routine in an interview with Men’s Fitness:

Four days a week it’s a minimum of two sessions a day: get to the gym at, say, 10am, leave the gym at 1pm, and get back in at 3pm for another three-hour session. What is actually in those sessions depends on what part of the season we’re in, but usually we’re looking at three track sessions a week, three to four weightlifting sessions, a couple of swimming sessions and one road bike day. That’s a very loose idea, though, because it’s always changing.

Training finishes up between 5-6pm and he’ll head home for dinner (“anything from steak and potatoes to enchiladas to tacos”), unwind with some TV and do some stretches and recovery exercises like stretching and foam rolling. He also uses a TheraGun, especially after a heavy quad workout. Fraser usually heads off for bed at around 9.30-10pm.

To read Fraser’s full daily routine, check out the profile here: https://www.balancethegrind.com.au/daily-routines/mat-fraser-daily-routine/

submitted by /u/Checkthescript
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