New to paleo, 2 questions

I am new to paleo. I’ve done research on it, and I believe it to be the healthiest choice for my family and I. I love vegetables, meat, fruits, nuts, seeds, etc and I notice I feel sluggish/foggy with headaches and just generally don’t feel well after eating various forms of bread. My husband and son are both lactose intolerant which is another reason I think this will work for us. I’m struggling with 2 different aspects of it, which I’m sure with time will stop being issues, but I wanted to see if anyone further along had tips.

1) I feel full after eating…but I don’t feel /satisfied/ without the ‘bread’ (grains of some kind)

Is this a normal part of it? Like when you stop eating sugar and your body is like “you need sugar!” Lol. Are their any non-grain foods that helped fill this for you?

2) For the entire 10 or so years I’ve been cooking I’ve built my meals around the grain…pasta, rice, bread, etc was the foundation that meats and veg were added to, so I sort of don’t know where to start now.

It feels like it’s missing something just meat + veg at dinner. What do you do? Leafy greens? My husband and 15 yo son are both big eaters.

I’d appreciate any help that can be offered. I don’t know anyone else that follows paleo that I can talk to.

submitted by /u/UhnonMonster
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from paleo diet


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