Question about Paleomedicina


Posted this over on another sub but not sure I’ll get much answers. If anyone had any input it would be great. Thanks.

So here are some Q’s I have and would be incredibly grateful if anyone has any info on them.

Excercise - I understand they say that excercise is overrated in terms of recovery from metabolic issues. But just wondering where weight lifting fits into this and whether people actually avoid it because of PKD recommendation?

And when you do, should you then replenish electrolytes. They say don’t bother with anything but salt, but just wondering if with heavy lifting or something mag and potassium can be used?

Is baking soda ok? I got an organic style one but it’s literally the only non pkd thing I’m using (if it is) to make egg waffle things.

Bone marrow - I know this might be dumb but when they say 250g they mean the extracted marrow fat etc, 250g of that stuff?

Has anyone reversed histamine intolerance with pkd? Clemens says the gut is fixed on it so no patients should have HI, and I’m hoping my symptoms of that go away, mainly pale skin around eyes and red eyes.

And is there a scale of bad things or is it all binary? Like is tea worse than avocados, and wine worse or better than diet coke. Do you just have to follow it to the button or is doing it to the 97% still an A- and will yield results?

That’s a lot of Q’s! Thanks if anyone has any thoughts.

submitted by /u/BringingTheBeef
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from paleo diet


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