Question about Paleodiet, Ethic and Environment.

Hello everyone,

I am quit new here but have read the faq and sidebar. I cant really find a place where to talk about it wihout it being one-sided.

Few days ago we were discussing with friends of mine (through sms as it is the lockdown here) and the subject of veganism came. I could not argue against it due to my lack of research etc.

So my question is what do you respond to :

•Veganism prevent the suffering and exploitation of animals (it is unethical to eat meat, etc) •The environment would benefits from not eating animal based food as it allow to use more space to grow plant to feed human. •It is healthy to eat vegan if properly planned and in the worst case you can have supplement (bacteria producing B12, etc). •Vegan permaculture can exist if there are the plant which fixe the nitrogen.

PS : If it is the wrong sub please feel free to tell me i will post it elsewhere and please no hate. I am only curious and would like to see all the point of view, i dont ask to change etc, only to understand. Thanks in advance

PPS : Did i writte something annoying? If so it was not my intend. I just dont understand the downvote

submitted by /u/Bonjourbonjourreturn
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from paleo diet


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