I'm not doing good with this diet, constantly starving and it's killing me

Hey everyone,

DISCLAIMER - doing this regarding mental health improvements

I guess ditching carbs was the reason for this, no more - rice, oats, whole wheat bread, pasta. No more dairy - whole milk 3%, chocolate milk, yoghurt, greek yoghurt, cottage etc. No more sugars - chocolate, cookies, brownies.

On other side, I am supposed to eat till 4.000 calories to move my scale up, I need to bulk anyways, too skinny for my years spent in gym, I’m 6'5, now less then 180lb.

I did saved some money by throwing out certain foods but again lack additional 500kc to bulk, I’m currently eating 3.500kc, non-stop hungry, not-satisfied. I always had problems with food, I guess some food disorder is on my list. Monotonous food, bland taste, bored with same food, bored with eating because I fuck something up in process and waste all food at the end of week - for example eating 6 days up to T and fuck up sunday and end up - 500 to 1000 calories in week summary, so no weight gain. Imagine that lasting for years, you got bored and unmotivated

For the sake of calories I’m using from time to time - rice or coconut milk(it has bunch of sugar, but whole pack of 1L is about 700calories, popcorn bag=400kc, walnuts/100g=650kc, peanut butter=50g/350kc, olivier salad=100g/172cal

Now it’s 4PM, I haven’t had breakfast yet, had a dinner leftover since last night that I can’t make myself to eat. It’s not tasty, now even cold, bland, boring, and knowing that I had to do same again this day it’s not making me motivated to continue down this road, and on other hand I had no other choice but to do it this way(meant for ditching certain foods and keeping on low carb-high fat-mod(want higher)protein content. Would go much lower on carb section if I had substitutes or ideas

For example this is my meal plan for quite some time

  1. Breakfast - 6 eggs omelette = 468cal, bacon 50g = 209cal, kulen 50g(dried meat) = 227cal, pork rinds 50g = 265cal, 1tbsp olive oil = 100kc, olivier salad = 172kc that’s total = 1460kc
  2. Lunch - 200g of chicken thighs with skin = 423kc, 500g of back red potatoes = 470kc, 1tbsp olive oil = 100kc that’s total = 1012kc
  3. Lunch - 200g of chicken thighs with skin = 423kc, 500g of back red potatoes = 470kc, 1tbsp olive oil = 100kc that’s total = 1012kc

And this totalling at 3500 calories of which 172g protein, 226g carbs, 200g fat

Any change od diet would mean much for me. It’s for lack of money at the time that’s making this a lot harder then it is. I do enjoy eating breakfast like that, it’s awesome, but potatoes and meat, it’s killing me. Any other carb source it’s either short of calories or I simply can not handle it in my stomach

My digestive system is weirdest thing I know that directly influence my mood any time it’s not working properly

Hold on coffee, strict(I guess if I don’t know for some hideous ingredients) at NO dairy, NO sugar, NO gluten, NO grain(rice). I’m failing at smoking(triggers anxiety) and drinking once a week energy drink

I had the same problem years ago too. Usually take up on same monotonous diet and eat it till I get sick of it and then changes it, now it’s a bit difficult and I need someones help! I did great at bulking when I started to lift, believe me or not I gained more then 40kg for 2 years, actually ate big variety but I really looked awful and bloated, acne, skinny fat, gained weight extremely quickly but never looked I actually have it that much. Now after some life issues and situations I lost 15kg and stalling and tipping in place since then, for years basically. Few months ago I got this idea to try all of these elimination thing and I do feel much different, only to say better. I know what’s triggering my bad mood, anxieties and some depressions, I’m much more stable then I used too!

Now for that meal plan - I can do few things, change a bit and add some(this would need more money therefore getting a job, no probs), changing food at same price as current one and adding new recipes and ingredients and spices

Any thoughts and suggestions, thanks a lot

I would like to know whom I can ask for doctors or nutritionist to help me make a better meal plan or actually test me for any allergies or food intolerances

submitted by /u/mickey__
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from paleo diet https://ift.tt/35HyCQl


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