Breaking up with beans. Carb suggestions?

I follow a mostly animal-based paleo diet, but I started to incorporate beans/legumes since they were lowish in carbs.

It took me 4 months to realize that my digestion was really wonky in the meals that followed beans, and I had an internal gassiness that became unmistakable after eating them with higher frequency. I also noticed differences in my energy levels and alertness.

The verdict: lectin sensitivities. Nature protecting its seeds again…

Annnd I’m back to paleo carbs. So far I have pumpkin, squash, African and purple yams, some fruits like cantaloupe, coconut, berries, and kiwi on the menu.

Does anyone have any suggestions of lowish and slowish (low gi) paleo carbs (both common and exotic) that I can explore incorporating? (No nuts) Thanks for any suggestions and prep tips.

submitted by /u/IJStarry
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from paleo diet


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