Paleo weight gainer?

I have one autoimmune disorder, if probably not two or three. When I tried doing a mostly unstrict pescatarian / paleo diet before, I noticed that I started to feel better. After battling some crippling brain fog, exhaustion and soreness, I decided to do paleo again with some modifications.

My current problem, is that I am skinny fit, I have muscles but I’m not the size that I want to be. Before getting sick, I was about 205-220 and lifting heavy. Now I am probably about 175 and just doing functional/callisthenic type workouts. If I don’t get enough calories, I start to shrink pretty fast.

Is there any type of paleo weight gainer that I could use to supplement with? I figure I could just make a shake with coconut milk or cream, but I think I’m already overdoing it in the saturated fats department, as I still eat dairy (lots of cheese and butter) which doesn’t seem to bother me. Any suggestions would be great, thank you!

submitted by /u/Searching4Freedom
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from paleo diet


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