Need to add up more protein, tips please

Hey everyone,

I think Im doing more then good, I’m satisfied how I feel these days!

Few issues regards this type of diet - on some days my protein intake is really low, 150g usually, yesterday I had just 110g of protein, had to hop on a pick 1lb of chicken breast to satisfied my protein needs

Any tips how can I add more protein? It was much easier in days when I had dairy, whey protein etc. How about now, without it?

Second thing is being hungry, most of the time, all the time. Waking up hungry, being hungry throughout day, being hungry while getting to sleep. I can’t pick up chocolate milk or candy bar like I used to. Any tips? Even 200g+ of fat, mid carb intake and moderate to high protein intake(when I have beef my proteins are not problematic) I’m always hungry. Tips?


submitted by /u/mickey__
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from paleo diet


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