Coffee : giving it up to see if gut health improves. Any experiences?

I have been a coffee drinker for the past 16 years. I tried to quit a couple times in that time, but always went back. I had tried to quit due to what seemed like adrenal issues and trouble sleeping. It resolved and I went back to the coffee drinking. I enjoy coffee very much and it’s something I look forward to every morning. I have been wondering these past couple years if coffee has anything to do with my worsening food intolerances and other GI issues. It’s the only thing I have kept doing consistently.

I typically consume between 1-2 cups in the morning and maybe three on occasion if I am drinking it with a friend. I am eating zero carb or very low carb. I eat beef, coconut products, hog jowl/bacon, and eggs (which this year I started getting diarrhea after eating eggs so I cut them out of my daily diet). I am sensitive to oxalates, dairy gives me acne, yeast/vinegar things give me acne, and can’t do carbs or fiber foods because all I do is fart and have painful gas. Beans wreak havoc in my gut and they seem to piss off my intestines for 2-3 days after. I am a female and suspect I have PCOS. I’m 5'2" @ 160lb, very muscular. Most of my body fat is around my lower abdomen and hips/thighs.

I am planning to ween off of the coffee with yerba mate in the mornings instead.

Also curious if I have low digestive enzymes and if drinking coffee is the cause or making it worse. I will update often. Thanks for reading.

submitted by /u/tiger_bee
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from paleo diet


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